Commit 09ecce3c authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Write .installed.cfg only once, in safe way and only if there's any change.

Also, updating a part does not put it anymore at the end of the list of
installed parts, that was making .installed.cfg too big.
parent 80319d2b
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2635,9 +2635,9 @@ provide alternate locations, and even names for these directories.
Creating directory '/sample-alt/developbasket'.
Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
Uninstalling d4.
Uninstalling d3.
Uninstalling d2.
Uninstalling debug.
Uninstalling d3.
>>> ls(alt)
d basket
......@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ supply some input:
File "/zc/buildout/", line 1352, in main
getattr(buildout, command)(args)
File "/zc/buildout/", line 383, in install
File", line 791, in _install_parts
installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
File "/zc/buildout/", line 961, in _call
return f()
......@@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ some evil recipes that exit uncleanly:
>>> mkdir('recipes')
>>> write('recipes', '',
... '''
... import os
... import sys
... class Clean:
... def __init__(*_): pass
......@@ -1506,10 +1506,10 @@ some evil recipes that exit uncleanly:
... def update(_): pass
... class EvilInstall(Clean):
... def install(_): os._exit(1)
... def install(_): sys.exit(1)
... class EvilUpdate(Clean):
... def update(_): os._exit(1)
... def update(_): sys.exit(1)
... ''')
>>> write('recipes', '',
......@@ -1603,10 +1603,10 @@ Now let's look at 3 cases:
>>> print_(system(buildout+' buildout:parts='), end='')
Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
Uninstalling p2.
Uninstalling p1.
Uninstalling p4.
Uninstalling p3.
Uninstalling p2.
Uninstalling p1.
3. We exit while installing or updating after uninstalling:
......@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ Create a clean buildout.cfg w/o the checkenv recipe, and delete the recipe:
... """ % dict(server=link_server))
>>> print_(system(buildout), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Develop: '/sample-buildout/recipes'
Uninstalling checkenv.
Uninstalling extdemo.
Uninstalling checkenv.
Installing extdemo...
>>> rmdir(sample_buildout, 'recipes')
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