• Sebastien Robin's avatar
    ERP5Form : solve security issues with dymanic dialog Folder_viewSearchDialog · 235c29f3
    Sebastien Robin authored
    With a non manager user, the dialog was raising an UnauthorizedError
    when accessing form properties like id or update_action.
    With verbose security we had :
    Unauthorized: Your user account does not have the required permission.
    Access to 'update_action' of (ERP5Form at /erp5/person_module/Folder_viewSearchDialog)
    denied. Your user account, [some account], exists at /erp5/acl_users. Access requires
    one of the following roles: ['Assignee', 'Assignor', 'Associate', 'Auditor', 'Author',
    'Manager']. Your roles in this context are ['Authenticated', 'Member'].
    By looking further, this regression started with the introduction of erp5_hal_json_style
    bt which install ERP5 Form portal type with "Acquire Local Roles" unchecked.
    By looking also at aquisition chains of usual Form :
    (Pdb) self.person_module.PersonModule_viewPersonList.aq_chain
    [<ERP5 Form at /erp5/PersonModule_viewPersonList used for /erp5/person_module>,
     <Person Module at /erp5/person_module>, <ERP5Site at /erp5>, <Application at >,
     <ZPublisher.BaseRequest.RequestContainer object at 0x7f76305cae90>]
    And at the one of Folder_viewSearchDialog:
    (Pdb) self.person_module.Folder_viewSearchDialog().aq_chain
    [<ERP5Form at /erp5/person_module/Folder_viewSearchDialog>,
     <Person Module at /erp5/person_module>, <ERP5Site at /erp5>, <Application at >,
     <ZPublisher.BaseRequest.RequestContainer object at 0x7f05f0751850>]
    It seems fixing the acquisition chain is better option than allowing to Acquire Local
    Roles on all forms. We now have following chain for this dialog:
    After this patch, we have :
    (Pdb) self.person_module.Folder_viewSearchDialog().aq_chain
    [<ERP5Form at /erp5/Folder_viewSearchDialog used for /erp5/person_module>,
     <Person Module at /erp5/person_module>, <ERP5Site at /erp5>, <Application at >,
     <ZPublisher.BaseRequest.RequestContainer object at 0x7f76305cae90>]
Folder_viewSearchDialog.py 16.2 KB