Commit 248f59e5 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Business Template: Likewise ERP5Site.addERP5Tool(), do not re-create Tool if it already exists.

On re-create, all the sub-objects will be copied back and this should not happen
for Tools (example: portal_simulation currently created by addERP5Tool() but
later going to be migrated to ZODB Components and moved to bt5).
parent d472dd1b
......@@ -1809,6 +1809,20 @@ class ToolTemplateItem(PathTemplateItem):
return PathTemplateItem._backupObject(self, action, None, container_path,
object_id, **kw)
def preinstall(self, context, installed_item, **kw):
object_dict = ObjectTemplateItem.preinstall(self, context, installed_item, **kw)
portal_base = aq_base(context.getPortalObject())
for path, (action, type_name) in object_dict.items():
obj = getattr(portal_base, path, None)
if obj is not None:
if action == 'New':
del object_dict[path]
elif action == 'Modified':
object_dict[path] = 'Modified but should be kept', type_name
elif action == 'Removed':
object_dict[path] = 'Removed but should be kept', type_name
return object_dict
def install(self, context, trashbin, **kw):
""" When we install a tool that is a type provider not
registered on types tool, register it into the type provider.
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