Commit 095d9a30 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

re6stnet: clean-up

parent 83f5929e
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
# not need these here).
filename =
md5sum = 610fc6fd0444d3bab3fca4478572749a
md5sum = eea691b0919812b9717f17005f06681d
filename =
md5sum = 002f7405f565c82219b0d4b92790ff8c
md5sum = 7074948c958220e39a44f2c6cb56a0bb
filename =
......@@ -27,11 +27,3 @@ md5sum = 2ed3c4e9b9d58d2e57cda227bdd454d2
filename =
md5sum = b0f0facfea82a4481f4fb5b0b263e09a
filename =
md5sum = 7633bdfc0e638ff9979f963fbbca8f13
filename =
md5sum = 0bf4f2c03e06b55c6c6cc55fa33e65d6
{% set bin_directory = parameter_dict['bin-directory'] -%}
{% set python_bin = parameter_dict['python-executable'] -%}
{% set re6st_registry = parameter_dict['re6st-registry'] -%}
{% set re6stnet = parameter_dict['re6stnet'] -%}
{% set publish_dict = {} -%}
{% set part_list = [] -%}
{% set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
......@@ -96,18 +94,19 @@ hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = {{ parameter_dict['template-wrapper'] }}
rendered = ${directory:script}/httpd-graceful
mode = 0700
context =
raw content {{ parameter_dict['apache-location'] }}/bin/httpd -Sf ${apache-conf:rendered}; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then kill -USR1 $(cat ${apache-conf:pid-file}); fi
raw dash {{ dash_binary }}
template = inline:{{'{{content}}'}}
context = key content :script
script =
#!/bin/sh -e
{{ parameter_dict['apache-location'] }}/bin/httpd -Sf ${apache-conf:rendered}
{{ bin_directory }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${apache-conf:pid-file} -s USR1
< = logrotate-entry-base
name = apache
log = ${apache-conf:error-log} ${apache-conf:access-log}
post = test ! -s ${apache-conf:pid-file} || {{ parameter_dict['bin-directory'] }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${apache-conf:pid-file} -s USR1
post = test ! -s ${apache-conf:pid-file} || {{ bin_directory }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${apache-conf:pid-file} -s USR1
port = 9201
......@@ -139,14 +138,10 @@ rendered = ${directory:etc}/re6st-registry.conf
context = section parameter_dict re6st-registry-conf-dict
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = {{ parameter_dict['template-registry-run'] }}
rendered = ${directory:services}/re6st-registry
pid-file = ${directory:run}/
context =
key pid_file :pid-file
raw re6st_command {{ re6st_registry }}
key re6st_conf re6st-registry-conf:rendered
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/re6st-registry
pidfile = ${directory:run}/
command-line = {{ bin_directory }}/re6st-registry @${re6st-registry-conf:rendered}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:re6stnet.registry
......@@ -181,14 +176,14 @@ command-line = "{{ python_bin }}" ${re6st-registry:manager-wrapper}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
cron-entries = ${cron:cron-entries}
name = re6stnet-check-token
frequency = */5 * * * *
time = *:0/5
command = {{ python_bin }} ${re6st-registry:manager-wrapper}
< = logrotate-entry-base
name = re6stnet
log = ${re6st-registry-conf-dict:logfile}
post = test ! -s ${re6st-registry-wrapper:pid-file} || {{ parameter_dict['bin-directory'] }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${re6st-registry-wrapper:pid-file} -s USR1
post = [ ! -s ${re6st-registry-wrapper:pidfile} ] || {{ bin_directory }}/slapos-kill --pidfile ${re6st-registry-wrapper:pidfile} -s USR1
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
......@@ -23,20 +23,15 @@ context =
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
key computer_id slap-configuration:computer
raw logrotate_cfg {{ template_logrotate_base }}
raw dash_binary {{ dash_location }}/bin/dash
raw openssl_bin {{ openssl_location}}/bin
bin-directory = {{ bin_directory }}
python-executable = {{ python_with_eggs }}
re6st-registry = {{ bin_directory }}/re6st-registry
re6stnet = {{ bin_directory }}/re6stnet
template-apache-conf = {{ template_apache_conf }}
template-wrapper = {{ template_wrapper }}
apache-location = {{ apache_location }}
template-re6st-registry-conf = {{ template_re6st_registry_conf }}
template-registry-run = {{ template_registry_run }}
< = jinja2-template-base
echo $$ > {{ pid_file }}
exec {{ re6st_command }} @{{ re6st_conf }}
......@@ -2,13 +2,9 @@
extends =
......@@ -17,7 +13,6 @@ extends =
parts +=
......@@ -43,15 +38,12 @@ context =
key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
key eggs_directory buildout:eggs-directory
key apache_location apache:location
key dash_location dash:location
key logrotate_location logrotate:location
key openssl_location openssl:location
key template_apache_conf template-apache-conf:target
key template_re6stnet template-re6stnet:target
key template_re6st_registry_conf template-re6st-registry-conf:target
key template_logrotate_base template-logrotate-base:rendered
key template_wrapper template-wrapper:target
key template_registry_run template-registry-run:target
key monitor2_template_rendered monitor2-template:rendered
raw python_with_eggs ${buildout:bin-directory}/${re6st-eggs:interpreter}
......@@ -64,12 +56,6 @@ context =
< = download-base
< = download-base
< = download-base
re6stnet = 0.551
#!{{ dash }}
{{ content }}
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