Commit 76207531 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat :ghost:

Added support to use strings to upgradeObjectClass.

This change allows use python scripts to upgrade Object Class without write external methods for it. The from_class and to_class arguments can be used like followed:


or use previous behaviour:

 from_class = folder.__class__
 to_class = category.__class__

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 924a595e
......@@ -1084,13 +1084,28 @@ class Folder(CopyContainer, CMFBTreeFolder, CMFHBTreeFolder, Base, FolderMixIn,
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'upgradeObjectClass' )
def upgradeObjectClass(self, test_before, from_class, to_class, test_after):
upgrade the class of all objects inside this
particular folder
test_before and test_after have to be a method with one parameter.
migrations is a dictionnary of class, { from_class : to_class }
Upgrade the class of all objects inside this particular folder:
test_before and test_after have to be a method with one parameter.
from_class and to_class can be classes (o.__class___) or strings like:
#LOG("upradeObjectClass: folder ",0,
#LOG("upgradeObjectClass: folder ", 0,
test_list = []
def getClassFromString(a_klass):
from_module = '.'.join(a_klass.split('.')[:-1])
real_klass = a_klass.split('.')[-1]
# XXX It is possible that API Change for Python 2.6.
mod = __import__(from_module, globals(), locals(), [real_klass])
return getattr(mod, real_klass)
if isinstance(from_class, type('')):
from_class = getClassFromString(from_class)
if isinstance(to_class, type('')):
to_class = getClassFromString(to_class)
folder = self.getObject()
for o in self.listFolderContents():
# Make sure this sub object is not the same as object
......@@ -221,7 +221,25 @@ class TestFolder(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
self.assertNotEquals(self.folder[subobject.getId()][obj.getId()].__class__, from_class)
self.assertEquals([1, 1], result)
def test_upgradeObjectClassWithStrings(self):
""" Test if it changes Object Class """
type_list = ['Folder', 'Category' ]
obj = self.folder.newContent(portal_type="Category")
from_class_as_string = 'Products.ERP5Type.Document.Category.Category'
to_class_as_string = 'Products.ERP5Type.Document.Folder.Folder'
from_class = obj.__class__
to_class = self.folder.__class__
"test_upgradeObject", 'x',
'return [1]')
test_script = self.getPortal().portal_skins.custom.test_upgradeObject
result = self.folder.upgradeObjectClass(test_script, from_class_as_string,
to_class_as_string, test_script)
self.assertEquals(self.folder[obj.getId()].__class__, to_class)
self.assertNotEquals(self.folder[obj.getId()].__class__, from_class)
self.assertEquals([1], result)
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
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