• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gpython: Factor-out options parsing into getopt-style _IGetOpt helper · 26058b5b
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Python allows multiple single-letter options and their arguments to be
    coming on single argument, for example:
    	python -OQc'print 1'
    	python -OQc 'print 1'
    	python -OQ -c 'print 1'
    We are currently trying to handle that at every option, but even though
    it kind of works, it is limited and will break once we will start adding
    -> Refactor options parsing into getopt-style helper. We cannot use
    getopt itself because it will complain e.g. on `gpython file.py
    --my-custom-opt` that my-custom-opt is unexpected.
__init__.py 17 KB