• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    wcfs: Server.stop: Don't report first unmount failure to outside · d0c4469a
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    If first unmount fails, e.g. due to "device or resource is busy", we are
    trying to unmount the filesystem the second time after force
    kill/FUSE-abort (see 5f684a49 "wcfs: Server.stop: Make sure to remove
    mount entry even if we had to use FUSE abort").
    This way the caller of Server.stop should get an error only if that
    second unmount fails, not on unmount-1 error, which should be considered
    as internal to Server.stop implementation.
    If we don't hide that unmount-1 error and raise it to the caller, from
    outside it can confusingly look like "the server is successfully
    stopped, but nevertheless we are raised with an error".
__init__.py 24.8 KB