Commit afdf8cde authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Add unit test for 'iso' aliasing errors

parent 5e7b7c0d
# mode: error
# tag: cpp, cpp11, pthread
# cython: experimental_cpp_class_def=True, language_level=2
cdef cypclass A activable:
def test_name_aliasing():
cdef iso A iso_a
iso_a = consume A()
# Aliasing non-consumed to iso
cdef iso A iso_b
iso_b = iso_a
cdef iso A iso_c
iso_c = A()
cdef iso A iso_d
iso_d = activate(consume A())
cdef iso A iso_e
iso_e = <object> A()
# Aliasing iso
cdef iso A iso_f
iso_f = iso_a
cdef active A active_a
active_a = iso_a
cdef A ref_a
ref_a = iso_a
cdef object py_a
py_a = iso_a
cdef cypclass Field:
Field foo(self, Field other):
return other
cdef cypclass Origin:
Field field
self.field = Field()
Field bar(self, Field other):
return other
def test_field_aliasing():
cdef iso Origin o = consume Origin()
cdef object py_field
# OK - can pass consumed arguments Field()).foo(consume Field())
# ERR - aliasing field of iso to pyobject
py_field = o.field
# ERR - pyobject to field of iso
o.field = py_field
# ERR - aliasing field of iso
field = o.field
# ERR - consuming field of iso
field2 = consume o.field
# ERR - non_consumed argument
# ERR - aliasing the returned reference
c = Field())
_ERRORS = u'''
14:12: Cannot assign type 'iso A' to 'iso A'
17:13: Cannot assign type 'A' to 'iso A'
20:20: Cannot assign type 'active A' to 'iso A'
23:12: Cannot convert Python object to 'iso A'
27:12: Cannot assign type 'iso A' to 'iso A'
30:15: Cannot assign type 'iso A' to 'active A'
33:12: Cannot assign type 'iso A' to 'A'
36:11: Cannot convert 'iso A' to Python object
60:16: Cannot convert 'iso-> Field' to Python object
63:14: Cannot convert Python object to 'iso-> Field'
66:13: Cannot assign type 'iso-> Field' to 'iso-> Field'
72:15: Cannot assign type 'Field' to 'iso-> Field'
75:13: Cannot assign type 'iso-> Field' to 'iso-> Field'
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