1. 04 Feb, 2021 2 commits
    • Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
      erp5_web_service: Migrate DocumentConnection to components · 1fe01629
      Georgios Dagkakis authored
      This was removed from products in previous commits
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      Fix Form.proxifyField creating inconsistent proxy fields · ed84c574
      Jérome Perrin authored
      When `Form.proxifyField` is used to make a proxy field from a field which has only a TALES and no value, it creates a proxy field with inconsistent internal data structures where `has_value` method does not work as expected. As a consequence, proxy fields to list fields are often broken in the ods/odt rendering.
      Here is a scenario to reproduce the problem:
      * add `Base_viewDummyFieldLibrary` ERP5 Form
      * add a `LinesField`, with id `your_test_base_field`. Change `size` to 1 (not really required but I did this in screenshots here)
      * add another `LinesField`, with id `your_test_field` and in this field:
         * set a `default` (`2`) in values, it's only needed to visualise the problem in ods style:
      ![set default and no items](/uploads/0cb9e229b0ca6761bb15f3d8845ea3f8/image.png)
         * set `items` in TALES (`python: [('one', '1'), ('two', '2')]`) , this will be the problem
      ![set items in TALES](/uploads/93d90f57e15afdcca60324675b59086a/image.png)
       * So far,...
  2. 03 Feb, 2021 2 commits
  3. 02 Feb, 2021 4 commits
  4. 01 Feb, 2021 9 commits
  5. 29 Jan, 2021 15 commits
  6. 28 Jan, 2021 4 commits
  7. 27 Jan, 2021 4 commits