Commit 352aa0f7 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled Committed by Xavier Thompson

[feat] Ignore Python version for eggs in part signatures

The version of Python should not affect the behaviour of a recipe.
Anyway, it was already ignored for DEVELOP_DIST eggs.

This makes the slapos mechanism to share parts more efficient. And with
the upcoming changes in buildout & slapos.recipe.cmmi, there would be
no way for the slapos.reboostrap extension to prevent everything from
being rebuilt when reboostrapping to a different version of Python,
if bootstrap parts are shared.

The monkey-patch by slapos.reboostrap now becomes useless.
parent 592e218d
......@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ def _dists_sig(dists):
if dist.precedence == pkg_resources.DEVELOP_DIST:
result.append(dist.project_name + '-' + _dir_hash(location))
result.append(dist.project_name + '-' + dist.version)
return result
def _update_section(s1, s2):
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