1. 24 Oct, 2023 5 commits
    • Julien Muchembled's avatar
      Ignore Python version for eggs in part signatures · 001e86d8
      Julien Muchembled authored
      The version of Python should not affect the behaviour of a recipe.
      Anyway, it was already ignored for DEVELOP_DIST eggs.
      This makes the slapos mechanism to share parts more efficient. And with
      the upcoming changes in buildout & slapos.recipe.cmmi, there would be
      no way for the slapos.reboostrap extension to prevent everything from
      being rebuilt when reboostrapping to a different version of Python,
      if bootstrap parts are shared.
      The monkey-patch by slapos.reboostrap now becomes useless.
    • Julien Muchembled's avatar
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      Add part dependencies to buildout signature · 1d7fa371
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      Add referred parts' hash strings in __buildout_signature__,
      that invokes rebuild of a part when one of its (recursive)
      dependencies are modified.
      Also remove duplicates and sort entries in __buildout_signature__.
      Squashed with fixup!:
      The purpose is to make the part signature available sooner,
      during recipe's __init__.
      Original commit already broke detection of unused options in sections.
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      Support ${:_profile_base_location_} · d408da37
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      Squashed with:
      Chomp ../ from beginging of filenames
      In order to have as canonical as possible paths,
      chomp ../ from filenames and recalculate base.
      Squashed with:
      fixup! Support ${:_profile_base_location_}
  2. 23 Oct, 2023 2 commits
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      Customize version number using .devN · b1c304b0
      Xavier Thompson authored
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      Avoid considering sys.path for distributions · d5ba0c53
      Xavier Thompson authored
      When looking up a distribution to install an egg, keep strictly to
      the provided index-url and find-links and do not use distributions
      that are already on sys.path.
      This change was introduced because of a situation where installing
      an egg failed due to a bad distribution somehow available inside a
      virtual environment. Could not remember how to reproduce.
  3. 20 Oct, 2023 2 commits
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      Consider only local egg paths when bootstrapping · e08d51e6
      Xavier Thompson authored
      By default egg installation considers the path where buildout
      and other build tools such as setuptools are installed to see
      if the requested eggs are already installed there.
      With the new bootstrapping behavior, bootstrap should install
      buildout and the other build tools in the local egg directory
      even if the pinned versions are already installed in sys.path.
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      Change bootstrap behavior · 2808e930
      Xavier Thompson authored
      With this mode zc.buildout and its dependencies are installed
      from scratch directly in the local eggs directory, following
      the pinned versions if any apply.
      In offline mode this merely ensures that the required eggs are
      already installed in the local eggs and develop-eggs directory.
      The previous behavior is still available by passing a non-empty
      set of arguments to bootstrap, e.g. bootstrap --old-behavior.
  4. 18 Sep, 2023 1 commit
  5. 08 Nov, 2022 2 commits
  6. 06 Nov, 2022 28 commits