• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    fixup! software/erp5: use a caucase managed certificate for balancer · 555b26a2
    Jérome Perrin authored
    fix balancer CSR generation:
    Caucase rerequest uses a CSR *template* and use it to generate
    a new CSR with a new key, so we should not use the actual key to
    generate this CSR, because it is caucase rerequest job to generate
    the key.
    Also, we should be careful not to generate a new CSR every time this
    command run, otherwise a new key will be generated and a new CSR will
    be sent to caucase, but caucase will not sign it automatically (since
    we configure it to sign only one certificate).
    This means that the case of IP address changes is currently not
    supported automatically. To support it we would need to:
      - force generation of a new CSR template
      - force caucase rerequester to request a new certificate (by removing
      existing certificate)
      - force caucased to sign the new certificate
    This commit also fix indentation and remove simplefile macro that is no longer used
buildout.hash.cfg 2.73 KB