Commit 5e156b8f authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

software/theia: Add resilient framework

parent 2643702b
......@@ -19,7 +19,19 @@ md5sum = 510f8893ab631f5feade6f6aeee98e61
filename =
md5sum = ff5a6d3ef22524f85054e8d0ac0e11d7
md5sum = 3542f65aaa2c6a4e6db59cab2702ea1c
filename =
md5sum = 0398a33f33dc99679da0728b2cfbcbf9
filename =
md5sum = 5cf7154b3731795156972e3e35a8be24
filename = instance-resilient.cfg.jinja
md5sum = 01a1bd2a0202d33433e8f08103fcba42
filename = yarn.lock
extends = ${theia:rendered}
# The resilient stack makes the 'resilient' instance
# request the 'export' instance with a 'namebase' parameter.
# The export template then expects to receive it in
# slap-parameter:namebase
parts +=
# The resilient stack makes the 'resilient' instance
# request the 'export' instance with a 'namebase' parameter.
# The export template then expects to receive it in
# slap-parameter:namebase
namebase = ${slap-configuration:configuration.namebase}
# Change frontend name to help disambiguation
name = Theia Export Frontend
# The resilient export stack periodically calls exporter:wrapper
# and then notifies the pull-backup instance that data is ready
# to be pulled from the export instance.
# All it expects is that a script be available in exporter:wrapper.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = echo "Export Not Implemented Yet"
wrapper-path = $${directory:bin}/$${slap-parameter:namebase}-exporter
wrapper = $${:wrapper-path}
# Extends publish section with resilient parameters
<= resilient-publish-connection-parameter
extends = ${theia:rendered}
parts +=
# The resilient stack makes the 'resilient' instance
# request the 'import' instance with a 'namebase' parameter.
# The import template then expects to receive it in
# slap-parameter:namebase
namebase = ${slap-configuration:configuration.namebase}
# Change frontend name to help disambiguation
name = Theia Import Frontend
# The resilient stack calls importer:wrapper when the import instance
# is notified that the backup files have just been pushed to it.
# All it expects is that a script be available in importer:wrapper.
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = echo "Import Not Implemented Yet"
wrapper-path = $${directory:bin}/$${slap-parameter:namebase}-exporter
wrapper = $${:wrapper-path}
# Resilient connection parameters of import instance are published
# through the resilient stack.
# Extend resilient parameters with normal theia connection parameters
<= publish-connection-parameter
{% import 'parts' as parts %}
{% import 'replicated' as replicated with context %}
{% set number_of_instances = slapparameter_dict.get('resilient-clone-number', 1)|int %}
eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
extends =
{{ monitor_template }}
parts +=
# Generate the parts to request theia-export, pull-backup and theia-import
# See stack/resilient/ and stack/resilient/
# See below for the generation of the sections corresponding to the parts generated here
{{ parts.replicate("theia", number_of_instances + 1) }}
# Also publish some connection parameters
# Generate sections to request theia-export, pull-backup and theia-import
# See stack/resilient/
# In particular:
# [request-theia]
# <= ArgLeader
# software-type = export
# ...
# [request-theia-pseudo-replicating-1]
# <= ArgBackup
# software-type = import
# ...
# [request-pbs-theia-1]
# software-type = pull-backup
# ...
{{ replicated.replicate("theia", number_of_instances + 1,
"export", "import",
"ArgLeader", "ArgBackup",
slapparameter_dict=slapparameter_dict) }}
# Extend the list of return parameters for the export request
return += url username password
# Publish some parameters from the export instance
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
url = ${request-theia:connection-url}
username = ${request-theia:connection-username}
password = ${request-theia:connection-password}
# Publish resiliency parameters fetched by the resilient stack
<= publish-connection-information
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
parts =
extends =
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
......@@ -21,6 +24,11 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:switch-softwaretype
RootSoftwareInstance = $${:default}
default = $${:theia}
theia = theia:rendered
export = export:output
import = import:output
resilient = resilient:rendered
frozen = instance-frozen:rendered
pull-backup = template-pull-backup:rendered
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
......@@ -29,3 +37,32 @@ rendered = $${buildout:directory}/instance-theia.cfg
mode = 0644
context =
section slapconfiguration_section slap-configuration
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${instance-import:output}
output = $${buildout:directory}/instance-import.cfg
mode = 0644
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${instance-export:output}
output = $${buildout:directory}/instance-export.cfg
mode = 0644
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = ${instance-resilient:output}
rendered = $${buildout:directory}/instance-resilient.cfg
mode = 0644
extensions =
context =
key buildout buildout:bin-directory
key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
key eggs_directory buildout:eggs-directory
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
raw monitor_template ${monitor-template:rendered}
template-parts-destination = ${template-parts:target}
template-replicated-destination = ${template-replicated:target}
import-list = file parts :template-parts-destination
file replicated :template-replicated-destination
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ extends =
......@@ -24,6 +25,11 @@ common-parts =
# XXX: we have to manually add this for resilience
parts =
......@@ -155,6 +161,15 @@ url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
output = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
mode = 0644
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
destination = ${buildout:directory}
download-only = true
ignore-existing = true
output = ${:destination}/${:filename}
mode = 0644
version = 0.19.0
recipe = plone.recipe.command
......@@ -331,3 +346,12 @@ output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-theia.cfg.jinja
<= template-base
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance.cfg
<= download-base
<= download-base
<= download-base
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