Commit b6347def authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Use --upload-file for curl

It does -X PUT + --data-binary @file.
parent 01d7e9d0
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Example sessions is::
cat certificate.pem ca.pem key.pem > bundle.pem
curl -g -X PUT --cacert "${frontend_name}.ca.crt" --crlfile "${frontend_name}.crl" --data-binary @bundle.pem master-key-upload-url+authtoken
curl -g --upload-file bundle.pem --cacert "${frontend_name}.ca.crt" --crlfile "${frontend_name}.crl" master-key-upload-url+authtoken
This replaces old request parameters:
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Example sessions is::
cat certificate.pem ca.pem key.pem > bundle.pem
curl -g -X PUT --cacert "${frontend_name}.ca.crt" --crlfile "${frontend_name}.crl" --data-binary @bundle.pem key-upload-url+authtoken
curl -g --upload-file bundle.pem --cacert "${frontend_name}.ca.crt" --crlfile "${frontend_name}.crl" key-upload-url+authtoken
This replaces old request parameters:
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