Commit dc9367cb authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

stack/slapos: version up nbconvert and dependencies

This is required because it depends on an older version of Jinja and
updating in 565f4986 (stack/slapos: version up Flask and friends
(itsdangerous, Jinja2, MarkupSafe, Werkzeug), 2023-10-12) broke jupyter

At the same time, move some pins from stack/erp5 to stack/slapos as they
become used by more softwares
parent cacbd310
......@@ -847,9 +847,7 @@ z3c.etestbrowser = 3.0.1
zope.testbrowser = 5.5.1
WSGIProxy2 = 0.4.6
WebTest = 2.0.33
beautifulsoup4 = 4.8.2
WebOb = 1.8.5
soupsieve = 1.9.5
eggtestinfo = 0.3
oic = 0.15.1
......@@ -760,7 +760,6 @@ SOAPpy = 0.12.0nxd001
alabaster = 0.7.12
APacheDEX = 1.8
Beaker = 1.11.0
beautifulsoup4 = 4.8.2
cloudpickle = 0.5.3
cookies = 2.2.1
dask = 0.18.1
......@@ -839,7 +838,6 @@ rfc3987 = 1.3.8
rsa = 3.4.2
scikit-image = 0.14.0
scipy = 0.19.0
soupsieve = 1.9.5
spyne = 2.12.14
strict-rfc3339 = 0.7
StructuredText = 2.11.1
......@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ backports.functools-lru-cache = 1.6.1:whl
backports.lzma = 0.0.14
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size = 1.0.0
bcrypt = 3.1.4
beautifulsoup4 = 4.8.2
bleach = 5.0.1
blinker = 1.6.3:whl
CacheControl = 0.12.6:whl
......@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ enum34 = 1.1.10
erp5.util = 0.4.74
et-xmlfile = 1.0.1
exceptiongroup = 1.1.3:whl
fastjsonschema = 2.18.1
feedparser = 6.0.10
Flask = 3.0.0:whl
frozenlist = 1.4.0:whl
......@@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ mpmath = 1.0.0
msgpack = 0.6.2
multidict = 6.0.4
nbclient = 0.5.1
nbconvert = 6.0.7
nbformat = 5.0.8
nbconvert = 6.5.4
nbformat = 5.9.2:whl
nest-asyncio = 1.5.6
netaddr = 0.7.19
netifaces = 0.10.7
......@@ -309,6 +311,7 @@ slapos.toolbox = 0.139
smmap = 5.0.0
sniffio = 1.3.0
sortedcontainers = 2.4.0
soupsieve = 1.9.5
statsmodels = 0.11.1
stevedore = 1.21.0:whl
subprocess32 = 3.5.4
......@@ -316,8 +319,9 @@ supervisor = 4.1.0
sympy = 1.1.1
terminado = 0.9.1
testpath = 0.4.4
tinycss2 = 1.2.1:whl
tornado = 6.1
traitlets = 5.0.5
traitlets = 5.11.2:whl
trio = 0.22.0
trio-websocket = 0.9.2
typeguard = 3.0.2:whl
......@@ -328,8 +332,8 @@ uritemplate = 3.0.0
urllib3 = 1.26.12
wcwidth = 0.2.5
webencodings = 0.5.1
websockets = 10.4
websocket-client = 1.5.1
websockets = 10.4
Werkzeug = 3.0.0:whl
wheel = 0.41.2:whl
widgetsnbextension = 2.0.0
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