Commit e4df38a1 authored by Bryton Lacquement's avatar Bryton Lacquement 🚪

version up: Products.CMFCore 2.3.1

parent 6dd208cd
......@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ SOAPpy = 0.12.0nxd001
# CMF 2.3 is not yet supported.
Products.CMFCalendar = 2.2.3
Products.CMFCore = 2.2.10
Products.CMFCore = 2.3.1
Products.CMFDefault = 2.2.4
Products.CMFTopic = 2.2.1
Products.CMFUid = 2.2.1
......@@ -769,6 +769,11 @@ erp5.recipe.w3validator = 1.0.2
# Products.CMFCore==2.2.10
Products.ZSQLMethods = 2.13.5
# BBB: No longer required when using Zope 4
# Required by:
# Products.CMFCore==2.3.1
five.globalrequest = 1.0
# Required by:
# eventlet==0.20.1
enum-compat = 0.0.2
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