Commit d34148f1 authored by Yusei Tahara's avatar Yusei Tahara

Fix log file names for firewalld.

parent 89b9952d
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ dbus_executable = /opt/slapos/parts/dbus/bin/dbus-daemon --nofork --nopidfile --
firewall_executable = /opt/slapos/parts/firewalld/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid --log-file /opt/slapos/log/firewalld-process.log
firewall_cmd = /opt/slapos/parts/firewalld/bin/firewall-cmd
reload_config_cmd = /opt/slapos/parts/firewalld/bin/firewall-cmd --reload
log_file = /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-format.log
dbus_log_file = /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-format.log
log_file = /opt/slapos/log/firewalld.log
dbus_log_file = /opt/slapos/log/dbus.log
# Authorized IP address sources
authorized_sources =
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