Commit 47eba5dd authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

explain how to synchronize by http

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 1168b27b
......@@ -11,8 +11,84 @@ Setting up Synchronization
If you want the synchronization working with CPS, you will need
need the ERP5CPS products, available on the nexedi cvs.
Install Site instances
If you want to do synchronization, you should have at least two Site
instances (it can actually be either ERP5 Site or CPS Site). One of them
has to be a master and all other have to be clients.
Any modification made on any Site will be sent to the master, and the master
send back each modification to each client. Like this, all Sites (master and
clients) are informed about modifications.
Let's say we have one zope running on our local box. We will create for
example two CPS Sites, the fist one wich will be the master with the id
'cps', and the second one wich will be the client with the id 'cps_client'.
If you want to make sure that your box is installed correctly, you should
go on one object of your site and then addto the url the method 'asXML' like
this ::
If everything is fine, you should have no errors and you should see the
xml corresponding to your object.
Installing the synchronization tool
Go to the zope management interface and then go to your Site and add a
ERP5SyncML Tool.
Configuration for synchronization by http
The particular thing with the synchronization by http is that we need
to use active objects. Active Object allows to differ a method call.
We need it in order to differ html request, active object allows to
send all html request to a queue.
Don't worry, it is really simple to use. First, you have to add inside
your site a 'CMFActivity Tool'. There is nothing to configure. Then,
only thing needed is to modify the script 'zope_tic_loop' located inside
your CMFActivity product. You have to modify the user name, the user
password, the ip where your zope is running and the id of your site.
For example, my script looks like this ::
while true; do
wget -O /tmp/zope_distribute.out http://seb:password@localhost:9673/cps/portal_activities/distribute?node_count:int=1
wget -O /tmp/zope_tic.out http://seb:password@localhost:9673/cps/portal_activities/tic?processing_node:int=1
wget -O /tmp/zope_distribute.out http://seb:password@localhost:9673/cps_client/portal_activities/distribute?node_count:int=1
wget -O /tmp/zope_tic.out http://seb:password@localhost:9673/cps_client/portal_activities/tic?processing_node:int=1
sleep 5
This allows to run all html requests each time there is a new one. It is
a nice idea to run the script like this ::
nohup ./zope_tic_loop &
The last thing to do is to configure you synchronization tool. I do have on
my server side ::
id : Repository
Publication Url : http://localhost:9673/cps
Destination Path : /cps/portal_repository
Query : objectValues (it will be completed automatically)
XML Mapping : asXML
I do have on my client side ::
id : Repository
Publication Url : http://localhost:9673/cps_client
Destination Path : /cps/portal_repository
Query : objectValues (it will be completed automatically)
XML Mapping : asXML
Configuration for synchronization by email
Actually you need to add a 'CMFMailin Tool', there is nothing to configure.
Then you have to make sure you get the right The
mail_received script has to be modified in order to use SubSync or PubSync.
......@@ -25,7 +101,6 @@ Setting up Synchronization
python called "mail_received". Then set the parameter list to "theMail", and
then paste the content of ERP5CPS/skins/ .
And finally you should add the ERP5SyncML Tool.
Inside the synchronization tool (cps_site/portal_synchrozations),
the publication should looks like this ::
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