Commit 07e8885d authored by Cédric de Saint Martin's avatar Cédric de Saint Martin
Browse files

Merge branch 'master' into osoetraining

parents f388cb20 584e3b70
0.11 (not yet released)
0.12 (unreleased)
* No changes yet.
* No change yet.
0.11 (2011-07-07)
* Enable test suite runner for vifib.
0.10 (2011-07-01)
* Add PHPMyAdmin software release used in SlapOS tutorials
[Cedric de Saint Martin]
......@@ -13,9 +13,18 @@ PATH = ${libxslt:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = lxml
# Note: Workaround issues blocking buildout runs
# Empty index makes setuptools NOT trying to find any meta information about
# lxml...
index =
# it is wise to tell where lxml can be found
find-links =
# Note: Whenever someone is going to remove it, one shall check, that buildout
# can run in newest mode, without any locally downloaded cache
rpath =
......@@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ find-links =
versions = versions
# separate from system python
include-site-packages = false
exec-sitecustomize = false
allowed-eggs-from-site-packages =
python = python2.7
......@@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ eggs =
zc.buildout = 1.5.3-dev-SlapOS-004
zc.buildout = 1.5.3-dev-SlapOS-005
Jinja2 = 2.5.5
Werkzeug = 0.6.2
buildout-versions = 1.6
......@@ -34,14 +39,14 @@ meld3 = 0.6.7
netaddr = 0.7.5
setuptools = 0.6c12dev-r88846
slapos.core = 0.8
slapos.libnetworkcache = 0.1
slapos.libnetworkcache = 0.2
xml-marshaller = 0.9.7
z3c.recipe.scripts = 1.0.1
zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
# Required by:
# slapos.core==0.8
Flask = 0.6.1
Flask = 0.7.2
# Required by:
# hexagonit.recipe.cmmi==1.5.0
......@@ -57,4 +62,4 @@ supervisor = 3.0a10
# Required by:
# slapos.core==0.8
zope.interface = 3.6.3
zope.interface = 3.6.4
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ filename =
recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
url =
md5sum = de5c0478303da746f946d9c112fa7f4b
url =
md5sum = 853739119a8364daea750154af6d7e79
pre-configure-hook = ${stunnel-4-hook-download:location}/${stunnel-4-hook-download:filename}:pre_configure_hook
configure-options =
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import glob
import os
version = '0.11dev'
version = '0.12dev'
name = 'slapos.cookbook'
long_description = open("README.txt").read() + "\n" + \
open("CHANGES.txt").read() + "\n"
......@@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
kumo_conf = self.installKumo(self.getLocalIPv4Address())
self.installTestRunner(ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf,
memcached_conf, kumo_conf)
self.installTestSuiteRunner(ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf,
memcached_conf, kumo_conf)
development_zope='http://%s:%s/' % (ip, zope_port),
......@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ find-links =
# Separate from site eggs
allowed-eggs-from-site-packages =
include-site-packages = false
exec-sitecustomize = false
versions = versions
rebootstrap-section = python2.6
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ md5sum = 04b17b8665eb4e11ce3a4661ad98e5e3
eggs +=
slapos.cookbook = 0.10
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
stop-on-error = true
repository =
branch = master
revision = 0c37bafcc688c022d710f04ffafa226e3543a2cd
revision = 336a8d63bdcabd92bfe3d9466685e5cd47fad716
command = ${git:location}/bin/git clone --quiet -b ${:branch} ${:repository} ${:location} && if [ -n ${:revision} ]; then cd ${:location} && ${git:location}/bin/git reset --quiet --hard ${:revision} ; fi
update-command = cd ${:location} && ${git:location}/bin/git pull --quiet && if [ -n ${:revision} ]; then cd ${:location} && ${git:location}/bin/git reset --quiet --hard ${:revision} ; fi
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ initialization =
os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(Zope2.__file__)))
os.environ['ZOPE_SCRIPTS'] = ''
parts_directory = '''${buildout:parts-directory}'''
repository_id_list = '''${erp5_repository_list:repository_id_list}'''.split().reverse()
repository_id_list = list(reversed('''${erp5_repository_list:repository_id_list}'''.split()))
temp_bt5_path_list = ['/'.join([parts_directory, x, 'bt5']) for x in repository_id_list]
bt5_path_list = []
[bt5_path_list.extend([bt5_path, '%s/*' % bt5_path]) for bt5_path in temp_bt5_path_list]
......@@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ initialization =
import Zope2
os.environ['SOFTWARE_HOME'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(Zope2.__file__)))
os.environ['ZOPE_SCRIPTS'] = ''
sys.path[0:0] = ['/'.join(['''${buildout:parts-directory}''', x]) for x in '''${erp5_repository_list:repository_id_list}'''.split()].reverse()
repository_id_list = list(reversed('''${erp5_repository_list:repository_id_list}'''.split()))
sys.path[0:0] = ['/'.join(['''${buildout:parts-directory}''', x]) for x in repository_id_list]
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
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