Commit 1a738c02 authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

webmail works

parent 7cc01d00
......@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
filename =
md5sum = 3ce43e3592a6ff517837205b48192cb6
md5sum = bccd8d99888c3d4997443cae911eca79
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = 8cba4919b15bc982305d779f7ffc50d1
md5sum = 493992df66bb5b1317de1794d84b7f83
_update_hash_filename_ = dovecot.jinja2.conf
md5sum = dbb59cfd09df520f35905c6abfe0f51b
md5sum = 8ac35891bcb9d5d8d7cbb78034d45eb8
md5sum = a29b83ff6eba50f47962a9bc904d4f47
md5sum = ab15900d44b38fdad528c6a73936fd26
_update_hash_filename_ =
......@@ -52,3 +52,11 @@ md5sum = eccdfb6d780d9aa4cf66401191ab16a6
filename =
md5sum = 4ad906791f0d6fd3a4aef8f5a8018b45
filename = snappymail.jinja2.ini
md5sum = 87aae866c798b4b411953aa1ff091703
filename = snappymail-domain.jinja2.json
md5sum = 2dfd15fb4fa3a839a43df9516af3829e
driver = pgsql
connect = host={{ postgresql_host }} port={{ postgresql_port }} dbname={{ postgresql_dbname }} user={{ postgresql_user }} password={{ postgresql_pass }}
default_pass_scheme = SHA512-CRYPT
default_pass_scheme = PLAIN
password_query = \
SELECT email as username, passwd AS password FROM addresses WHERE email = '%u'
user_query = \
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ auth_debug = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain login
auth_username_format = %Lu
auth_verbose = yes
auth_debug_passwords = yes
auth_verbose_passwords = yes
base_dir = {{ directory['run-dovecot'] }}
state_dir = {{directory['var-dovecot'] }}
mail_temp_dir = {{directory['tmp-dovecot'] }}
......@@ -60,6 +60,34 @@ url = {{ slap_connection['server-url'] }}
key = {{ slap_connection['key-file'] }}
cert = {{ slap_connection['cert-file'] }}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
root = ${directory:srv}/ssl
requests = ${:root}/requests
private = ${:root}/private
certs = ${:root}/certs
newcerts = ${:root}/newcerts
crl = ${:root}/crl
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
openssl-binary = {{ openssl_location }}/bin/openssl
ca-dir = ${ca-directory:root}
requests-directory = ${ca-directory:requests}
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/certificate_authority
ca-private = ${ca-directory:private}
ca-certs = ${ca-directory:certs}
ca-newcerts = ${ca-directory:newcerts}
ca-crl = ${ca-directory:crl}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = ${certificate-authority:wrapper}
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/certificate_authority
hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
listening-ip = ${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}
listening-port = 9988
......@@ -148,6 +176,28 @@ extra-context =
url = {{ postfix_master_template }}
output = ${directory:etc-postfix}/
<= config-base
url = {{ snappymail_conf }}
output = ${directory:www}/data/_data_/_default_/configs/application.ini
extra-context =
key mail_domain request-dns-entry:connection-domain
raw postgresql_user ${postgresql:superuser}
raw postgresql_pass ${postgresql:password}
raw postgresql_host ${postgresql:ipv4}
raw postgresql_port ${postgresql:port}
<= config-base
url = {{ snappymail_domain }}
output = ${directory:www}/data/_data_/_default_/domains/${request-dns-entry:connection-domain}.json
extra-context =
raw mail_host [${slap-configuration:ipv6-random}]
<= config-base
url = {{ postfix_vmailbox_template }}
......@@ -204,6 +254,15 @@ inline =
rm -f var/spool/postfix/pid/
${directory:usr-postfix}/libexec/postfix/master -c ${directory:etc-postfix}
<= certificate-authority
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request
key-file = ${apache-php-configuration:key-file}
cert-file = ${apache-php-configuration:cert-file}
executable = ${apache-php-wrapper:wrapper-path}
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/ca-apache-php
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = ${postfix-wrapper:output}
......@@ -216,14 +275,14 @@ hash-files =
#recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
#command-line = ${ca-apache-php:wrapper}
#wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/apache-php
#hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
#depends =
# ${copy-application:recipe}
# ${apache-graceful:recipe}
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
command-line = ${ca-apache-php:wrapper}
wrapper-path = ${directory:service}/apache-php
hash-existing-files = ${buildout:directory}/software_release/buildout.cfg
depends =
recipe = collective.recipe.template
......@@ -243,6 +302,22 @@ command = if [ -z "$(ls -A ${directory:www})" ]; then
update-command = ${:command}
stop-on-error = true
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
url = {{ apache_parameter_dict['template-apache-conf'] }}
output = ${directory:etc}/apache.conf
context =
section parameter_dict apache-php-configuration
extensions =
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/apache-wrapper
command-line = "{{ apache_parameter_dict['apache-location'] }}/bin/httpd" -f "${apache-php-conf:output}" -DFOREGROUND
wait-for-files =
document-root = ${directory:www}
pid-file = ${directory:run}/
......@@ -278,6 +353,13 @@ backup-crontab = ${postgresql-backup-crontab-entry:name}
#url = ${lamp-frontend-promise:url}
{% endif -%}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
url = {{ lamp_apache_httpd }}
output = ${directory:apache.d}/lamp.conf
context =
section parameter_dict apache-php-configuration
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = ${directory:bin}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
......@@ -417,6 +499,8 @@ extends =
{{ template_monitor }}
parts =
......@@ -425,10 +509,12 @@ parts =
# apache-php-service
{{ part_list | join('\n ') }}
{% if slapparameter_dict.get('request_dns', '') %}
......@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ extra-context =
key ipv6_set slap-configuration:ipv6
raw bin_directory {{ bin_directory }}
raw postgresql_location {{ postgresql_location }}
raw lamp_apache_httpd {{ lamp_apache_httpd }}
raw snappymail_conf {{ snappymail_conf }}
raw snappymail_domain {{ snappymail_domain }}
http {
default_type application/octet-stream;
access_log {{ parameter_dict['access-log'] }} combined;
client_max_body_size 10M;
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen [{{ parameter_dict['ipv6'] }}]:{{ parameter_dict['ssl-port'] }} ssl;
server_name _;
ssl_certificate {{ parameter_dict['ssl-certificate'] }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ parameter_dict['ssl-key'] }};
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
keepalive_timeout 90s;
location / {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
proxy_connect_timeout 200;
proxy_pass {{ parameter_dict['repman-secure-url'] }};
server {
listen [{{ parameter_dict['ipv6'] }}]:{{ parameter_dict['port'] }};
server_name _;
location / {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
proxy_connect_timeout 200;
proxy_pass {{ parameter_dict['repman-url'] }};
"IMAP": {
"host": "{{ mail_host }}",
"port": 10143,
"type": 0,
"timeout": 300,
"shortLogin": false,
"lowerLogin": true,
"stripLogin": "",
"sasl": [
"ssl": {
"verify_peer": false,
"verify_peer_name": false,
"allow_self_signed": false,
"SNI_enabled": true,
"disable_compression": true,
"security_level": 1
"use_expunge_all_on_delete": false,
"fast_simple_search": true,
"force_select": false,
"message_all_headers": false,
"message_list_limit": 10000,
"search_filter": "",
"spam_headers": "",
"virus_headers": "",
"disabled_capabilities": [
"SMTP": {
"host": "{{ mail_host }}",
"port": 10025,
"type": 0,
"timeout": 60,
"shortLogin": false,
"lowerLogin": true,
"stripLogin": "",
"sasl": [
"ssl": {
"verify_peer": false,
"verify_peer_name": false,
"allow_self_signed": false,
"SNI_enabled": true,
"disable_compression": true,
"security_level": 1
"useAuth": true,
"setSender": false,
"usePhpMail": false,
"authPlainLine": false
"Sieve": {
"host": "",
"port": 4190,
"type": 0,
"timeout": 10,
"shortLogin": false,
"lowerLogin": true,
"stripLogin": "",
"sasl": [
"ssl": {
"verify_peer": false,
"verify_peer_name": false,
"allow_self_signed": false,
"SNI_enabled": true,
"disable_compression": true,
"security_level": 1
"enabled": false,
"authLiteral": true
"whiteList": ""
; SnappyMail configuration file
; Please don't add custom parameters here, those will be overwritten
; Text displayed as page title
title = "SnappyMail Webmail"
; Text displayed on startup
loading_description = "SnappyMail"
favicon_url = ""
app_path = ""
; Theme used by default
theme = "Default"
; Allow theme selection on settings screen
allow_themes = On
allow_user_background = Off
; Language used by default
language = "en"
; Allow language selection on settings screen
allow_languages_on_settings = On
allow_additional_accounts = On
allow_additional_identities = On
; When identity is not set yet, open identity popup after login
popup_identity = On
; Number of messages displayed on page by default
messages_per_page = 20
; Mark message read after N seconds
message_read_delay = 5
; Minimal check for new messages interval in minutes
min_refresh_interval = 5
; File size limit (MB) for file upload on compose screen
; 0 for unlimited.
attachment_size_limit = 25
; brotli or gzip compress the output.
; Warning: only enable when server does not do this, else double compression errors occur
compress_output = Off
show_attachment_thumbnail = On
; Enable contacts
enable = Off
allow_sync = Off
sync_interval = 20
type = "pgsql"
pdo_dsn = "host={{ postgresql_host }};port={{ postgresql_port }};dbname=snappymail"
pdo_user = "{{ postgresql_user }}"
pdo_password = "{{ postgresql_pass }}"
; PEM format certificate
mysql_ssl_ca = ""
mysql_ssl_verify = On
mysql_ssl_ciphers = ""
sqlite_global = Off
suggestions_limit = 20
custom_server_signature = "SnappyMail"
x_xss_protection_header = "1; mode=block"
gnupg = On
openpgp = On
auto_verify_signatures = Off
; Access settings
allow_admin_panel = On
; Login and password for web admin panel
admin_login = "admin"
admin_password = "admin"
admin_totp = ""
; Use email address instead of login password for encrypting sensitive data (like account passwords)
insecure_cryptkey = Off
force_https = Off
hide_x_mailer_header = On
max_sys_getloadavg = 0
; For example to allow all images use "img-src https:". More info at
content_security_policy = ""
; Report CSP errors to PHP and/or SnappyMail Log
csp_report = Off
; A valid cipher method from
encrypt_cipher = "aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1"
; Strict, Lax or None
cookie_samesite = "Strict"
; Additional allowed Sec-Fetch combinations separated by ";".
; For example:
; * Allow iframe on same domain in any mode: dest=iframe,site=same-origin
; * Allow navigate to iframe on same domain: mode=navigate,dest=iframe,site=same-origin
; * Allow navigate to iframe on (sub)domain: mode=navigate,dest=iframe,site=same-site
; * Allow navigate to iframe from any domain: mode=navigate,dest=iframe,site=cross-site
; Default is "site=same-origin;site=none"
secfetch_allow = ""
host = ""
key = "admin"
allow_update = Off
; Admin Panel interface language
language = "en"
; Require verification of SSL certificate used.
verify_certificate = On
; Allow self-signed certificates. Requires verify_certificate.
allow_self_signed = Off
security_level = 1
; Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)
cafile = ""
; capath must be a correctly hashed certificate directory. (/etc/ssl/certs/)
capath = ""
; Location of client certificate file (pem format with private key) on local filesystem
local_cert = ""
; This can help mitigate the CRIME attack vector.
disable_compression = On
; Allow clear folder and delete messages without moving to trash
dangerous_actions = On
; Allow download attachments as Zip (and optionally others)
attachments_actions = On
; If someone logs in without "@domain.tld", this value will be used
; When this value is HTTP_HOST, the $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] value is used.
; When this value is SERVER_NAME, the $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] value is used.
; When this value is gethostname, the gethostname() value is used.
default_domain = "{{ mail_domain }}"
; Allow language selection on webmail login screen
allow_languages_on_login = On
; Detect language from browser header `Accept-Language`
determine_user_language = On
; Like default_domain but then HTTP_HOST/SERVER_NAME without www.
determine_user_domain = Off
; This option allows webmail to remember the logged in user
; once they closed the browser window.
; Values:
; "DefaultOff" - can be used, disabled by default;
; "DefaultOn" - can be used, enabled by default;
; "Unused" - cannot be used
sign_me_auto = "DefaultOff"
; When login fails, wait N seconds before responding
fault_delay = 5
; Enable plugin support
enable = Off
; Comma-separated list of enabled plugins
enabled_list = ""
; Editor mode used by default (Plain, Html)
view_editor_type = "Html"
; layout: 0 - no preview, 1 - side preview, 2 - bottom preview
view_layout = 1
view_use_checkboxes = On
; Show next message when (re)move current message
view_show_next_message = On
autologout = 30
view_html = On
show_images = Off
; View external images:
; "ask" - always ask
; "match" - whitelist or ask
; "always" - show always
view_images = "ask"
contacts_autosave = On
mail_list_grouped = Off
mail_use_threads = Off
allow_draft_autosave = On
mail_reply_same_folder = Off
; 1 - reply, 2 - reply all
msg_default_action = 1
collapse_blockquotes = On
allow_spellcheck = Off
; Enable logging
enable = Off
; Path where log files will be stored
path = ""
; Log messages of set RFC 5424 section 6.2.1 Severity level and higher (0 = highest, 7 = lowest).
; 0 = Emergency
; 1 = Alert
; 2 = Critical
; 3 = Error
; 4 = Warning
; 5 = Notice
; 6 = Informational
; 7 = Debug
level = 4
; Required for development purposes only.
; Disabling this option is not recommended.
hide_passwords = On
time_zone = "UTC"
; Log filename.
; For security reasons, some characters are removed from filename.
; Allows for pattern-based folder creation (see examples below).
; Patterns:
; {date:Y-m-d} - Replaced by pattern-based date
; Detailed info:
; {user:email} - Replaced by user's email address
; If user is not logged in, value is set to "unknown"
; {user:login} - Replaced by user's login (the user part of an email)
; If user is not logged in, value is set to "unknown"
; {user:domain} - Replaced by user's domain name (the domain part of an email)
; If user is not logged in, value is set to "unknown"
; {user:uid} - Replaced by user's UID regardless of account currently used
; {user:ip}
; {request:ip} - Replaced by user's IP address
; Others:
; {imap:login} {imap:host} {imap:port}
; {smtp:login} {smtp:host} {smtp:port}
; Examples:
; filename = "log-{date:Y-m-d}.txt"
; filename = "{date:Y-m-d}/{user:domain}/{user:email}_{user:uid}.log"
; filename = "{user:email}-{date:Y-m-d}.txt"
; filename = "syslog"
; filename = "stderr"
filename = "log-{date:Y-m-d}.txt"
; Enable auth logging in a separate file (for fail2ban)
auth_logging = Off
auth_logging_filename = "fail2ban/auth-{date:Y-m-d}.txt"
auth_logging_format = "[{date:Y-m-d H:i:s}] Auth failed: ip={request:ip} user={imap:login} host={imap:host} port={imap:port}"
; Enable auth logging to syslog for fail2ban
auth_syslog = Off
json_response_write_limit = 300
; Special option required for development purposes
enable = Off
javascript = Off
css = Off
; The section controls caching of the entire application.
; Enables caching in the system
enable = On
; Path where cache files will be stored
path = ""
; Additional caching key. If changed, cache is purged
index = "v1"
; Additional caching key. If changed, fast cache is purged
fast_cache_index = "v1"
; Browser-level cache. If enabled, caching is maintainted without using files
http = On
; Browser-level cache time (seconds, Expires header)
http_expires = 3600
; Caching message UIDs when searching and sorting (threading)
server_uids = On
system_data = On
use_force_selection = Off
use_expunge_all_on_delete = Off
message_list_fast_simple_search = On
message_list_permanent_filter = ""
message_all_headers = Off
show_login_alert = On
fetch_new_messages = On
; Allow drag & drop .eml files from system into messages list
allow_message_append = Off
smtp_show_server_errors = Off
; PHP mail() remove To and Subject headers
mail_func_clear_headers = On
; PHP mail() set -f emailaddress
mail_func_additional_parameters = Off
folders_spec_limit = 50
curl_proxy = ""
curl_proxy_auth = ""
custom_login_link = ""
custom_logout_link = ""
http_client_ip_check_proxy = Off
use_local_proxy_for_external_images = On
image_exif_auto_rotate = Off
cookie_default_path = ""
cookie_default_secure = Off
replace_env_in_configuration = ""
boundary_prefix = ""
dev_email = ""
dev_password = ""
current = "2.38.2"
saved = "Wed, 22 Jan 2025 16:50:11 +0000"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ extends =
# ../../component/nginx/buildout.cfg
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ parts =
# nginx
......@@ -94,6 +95,8 @@ context =
raw postfix_vmailbox_template ${}
raw postfix_location ${postfix:location}
raw xz_utils_location ${xz-utils:location}
raw snappymail_conf ${template-snappymail.jinja2.ini:target}
raw snappymail_domain ${template-snappymail-domain.jinja2.json:target}
recipe =
......@@ -109,6 +112,12 @@ url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/${:filename}
<= template-download-base
<= template-download-base
<= template-download-base
# path = /path/to/instance-custom.cfg
# part-list = part1 part2
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