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- 24 Jan, 2016 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
@rafael added this in 971d0bb7 (erp5: Make possible extent the list of initial business templates to install), but we dropped that change while merging erp5-cluster to master - see: 6bbb61a8 "Merge branch 'master' into erp5-cluster", and e84d5e83 "Merge branch 'erp5-cluster'" 6bbb61a8 claimed that it Dropped commit 971d0bb7 ("erp5: Make possible extent the list of initial business templates to install"). but it actually dropped changes only under stack/erp5/ , not software/wendelin/ Fix it. /cc @rafael, @jm, @Tyagov /reviewed-by TrustMe
- 22 Jan, 2016 1 commit
Julien Muchembled authored
- 21 Jan, 2016 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
- 20 Jan, 2016 3 commits
Julien Muchembled authored
In slapos.package.git/obs, we need to build binaries for specific paths, without changing where buildout actually install them.
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
- 17 Jan, 2016 34 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Hello up there, Here comes SlapOS port of GitLab. We start from GitLab 8.2.X as that is what we currently run on KVM on, so that our data can be straightforwardly migrated. The SR compiles all needed software and organized all (sub-)services in one partition and interconnects them with unix sockets for security and speed reasons (see patch "gitlab: Make a plan to base instance layout on gitlab-omnibus and to interconnect all internal services"). Services configuration files are originally taken from omnibus-gitlab "distribution" and incrementally ported to slapos variant. This way we establish a (imho) good path on how to track upstream changes and minimize our delta & effort supporting it. GitLab itself is patched (above patches that were already applied by upstream): - to support HTTP(S) only - to show site's ICP number - to speedup raw blob downloading ~ 17x times ( see patch "gitlab: Optimize raw blob downloading" for details and ) Overall it should work and we should finally be able to migrate slapos.git (because of raw blob downloading is not slow now) to GitLab and all other Nexedi git repositories. Thanks, Kirill P.S. Somewhat outdated, but this picture on GitLab architecture might help to understand how parts are glued together: P.P.S. Native resiliency is not implemented yet, but we should be able to use gitlab inside resilient webrunner already. /proposed-for-review-on nexedi/slapos!39 /partly-reviewed-by @kazuhiko, @jerome, @Yanni, @jp /cc @rafael, @jm
Kirill Smelkov authored
We've reached a state where first gitlab SR version should work. So as promised let's freeze the md5 checksums. All later patches should update corresponding md5 info when they change a file. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
In slapos we do a lot of automated software rebuild constantly, and thus there is constant flow of requests to get raw blobs from git service, e.g. like this A lot of requests comes to slapos.git repository and currently gitlab, out of the box, cannot keep up with that load. I've prepared patches to offload raw blobs download requests handling from unicorn (ruby) to gitlab-workhorse (go), and that resulted in ~ 17x speedup - e.g. previously our std shuttle can handle ~ 70 raw-blob requests/s and with my changes it is now ~ 1200 requests/s. The patches were sent upstream and we discussed with GitLab people and made a plan how to proceed incrementally. It will probably take some time for gitlab team to fully accept the approach though. For now we can use our gitlab-workhorse fork. The patches itself are: kirr/gitlab-workhorse@1b274d0d kirr/gitlab-workhorse@2beb8c95 /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome, @jm
Kirill Smelkov authored
GitLab Nexedi Edition is currently upstream 8.2.X + the following patches: - HTTP(S) is made to be default clone protocol kirr/gitlab-ce@5c1f2fb3 and SSH info is completely removed from UI kirr/gitlab-ce@dfe9fb16 kirr/gitlab-ce@f3f84743 so essentially the only way to access a repository is via HTTP(S). - Rake check tasks are adjusted to exit with non-zero code if there is a failure kirr/gitlab-ce@a93ae418 We need this for promises to work correctly with failures being detected, not silently skipped. The patch was sent upstream: - GitLab supports setting up site's ICP License in gitlab.yml and shows it in appropriate places together with info about GitLab itself: kirr/gitlab-ce@e7e0fd88 kirr/gitlab-ce@79c127e6 + other cosmetic/minor changes. More patches will probably come (e.g. apply a single patch from a merge-request with `git am` without creating merge commit for just 1 patch, etc) but for now that's all. NOTE ICP is non-ascii text with hieroglyphs. slapos.core was taught to be able to pass parameters with non-ascii values to instance: nexedi/slapos.core@347d33d6 That patch is included in slapos.core 1.3.15, but as we currently have a lot of older slapos.core deployed (e.g. 1.3.5 on my development webrunner) a workaround is (hopefully temporarily) used to pass non-ascii values as URL-encoded strings. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome, @rafael
Kirill Smelkov authored
In the previous patch we setup nginx service which listens to the world and as such gitlab service becomes to be ready to used - so publish backend URL. NOTE we'll need to optimise and tweak gitlab a bit further in upcoming patches, so it can be really used under load and with our use-cases, but even now it listens to http ok and generally works. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Go through nginx configuration templates and convert them to jinja2 with slapos parameters (reminder: names and default values are imported from omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093), except commenting out features we do not want to support (yet ?). As nginx is a reverse-proxy, i.e. it integrates all internal services and works as frontend to them, our gitlab service is now ready to listen and talk to the world over (standard to slapos services backend) IPv6. Nginx also acts as SSL termination point - for it to work by default we setup self-signed certificate for the backend, which can be manually changed to proper certificate if needed. Backend certificate is used if gitlab is configured to work in HTTPS mode (and frontend certificate is another story). NOTE ssl certificate is generated with just `openssl req ...` - yes, there is slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request but it requires to start whole service and has up to 60 seconds latency to generate certificate. And we only need to run 1 command to do that... The features disabled are: - http -> https redirection not needed for us at nginx level - the frontend can do the redirection and also gitlab speaks HSTS on https port so when we access https port via http protocol, it gets redirected to https. - kerberos - ssl_dhparam - providing custom nginx configuration via instance parameter /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Like with Rails configuration files, hook nginx configuration files into SR / instance build process; rename *.erb -> *.in and add our header. The templates are still not valid - a lot of erb code is left there - we'll slapos'ify it incrementally in the following patches. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Like with Rails configuration this first step is pristine import of nginx configuration files from omnibus-gitlab. All files were imported as-is in their ERB form and filenames from omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093 from here: We import only nginx main http configuration - nginx's CI and Mattermost configurations are not imported, as we do not support CI and Mattermost (yet ?). As with Rails configuration files, we will convert the templates to jinja2 and adjust them to slapos version in the following patches. We will also use the same (commit from last-erb-mod commit + merge) approach to track upstream changes. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Sidekiq[1] is used in GitLab as background jobs manager - i.e. if a request handler needs to spawn some non-light job - it adds it to sidekiq queue (in Redis) and relies on sidekiq service to later pick this job up and execute it. The service is setup with just to run bin/gitlab-sidekiq with appropriate queues (extracted from omnibus-gitlab) and appropriate settings to controlling GitLab's sidekiq Out-Of-Memory killer[2]. NOTE Unlike unicorn OOM killer, Sidekiq memory killer just makes sidekiq processes to be SIGKILL terminated and relies on managing service to restart it. In slapos we don't have mechanism to set autorestart=true, nor bang/watchdog currently work with slapproxy, so we setup to do such monitoring ourselves manually with here-introduced watcher-sigkill program. NOTE2 sidekiq promise, because it is rake/gitlab based, is slow to load/run and thus is put into etc/promise.slow/ [1] [2] /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
As was described in the previous patch, we need $HOME to be propagated by this programs so that git can find partition's .gitconfig. Specifically we need the following patches to be present in our build: They both have been applied upstream very close to revisions we previously had in software.cfg, so we only need to update the revisions to get them. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Convert gitconfig template to jinja2 (reusing already-there `email_display_name` and `email_from` parameters for commits generated by gitlab). System-level git config from gitlab-omnibus is also imported to this file (on slapos we cannot tweak system-level git config - software/.../parts/git/... is read-only for programs in instance partitions - so we move all gitlab's system-wide git settings to this "user-level" gitconfig. System gitconfig in omnibus is defined here: so it is pack.threads = 1 and receive.fsckObjects = true which makes sense to not waste a lot of memory when packing and not to allow corrupt objects to enter to system by evil users intentionally. To make the file foundable by git - we put it into partition root directory and set $HOME to point to partition root when running appropriate programs / services. NOTE we'll need to upgrade gitlab-shell and gitlab-workhorse to propagate $HOME for this setting to actually have effect. See the next patch. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Like with Rails configuration files, this is pristine import of template gitconfig from omnibus GitLab from This is only a "user" part of git configuration. System-wide configuration is generated dynamically: and we'll import it by hand in the follow-up patches. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Gitlab-workhorse[1] is a service which offloads Ruby-on-Rails based GitLab from long-running and slow requests. It is written in Go. Now as we have unicorn service set up, we can setup gitlab-workhorse service (which uses unicorn as authentication backend). Gitlab-workhorse setup is easy - it is just one program and several command line options to point to unicorn socket and to configure on which unix socket gitlab-workhorse will listen itself. NOTE we have to care that git and ruby to be on PATH when running gitlab-workhorse - because on e.g. git push'ing workhorse will run `git receive-pack` and a hook will be called which calls gitlab-shell, which is written in ruby. NOTE2 promise to check whether gitlab-workhorse is alive is to ping it via URL to non-existent endpoint and check for proper 403 HTTP code returned. [1] /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
gitlab: Compile assets on instantiation and make sure DB is properly setup/migrated before unicorn runs There are several actions that needs to be done on gitlab instance upgrade: - we have to (re-)compile assets - we have to migrate DB and also before the first run - we have to initialize DB We can compile assets as part of instantiation process, but regarding DB migration / setup - it is not currently possible to do that as part of instantiation - for that operations we need PG & Redis to be already running, but the first time slapos instantiates an SR it first prepares all services, and only after instantiation is done, starts them all. There is currently no way to hook into starting process, and run some scripts after one service is started but before another service startup... So the solution is: to perform such actions in delayed mode as part of application - unicorn service - startup: it makes sure PG is running and initializes it and does other actions which needs to be done to migrate the DB. Only if/after they succeed the main application is started. NOTE the comment about unicorn/gitlab startup slowness from the previous patch still holds true - so in order to get "all ok" after instantiation, it is required to perform the instantiation several times, because unicorn promise initially fails. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Now that all gitlab Rails application configuration files are ready, we can setup unicorn service to start it. NOTE there is a promise to check unicorn by url which works, but there are also rake tasks to check gitlab itself, e.g. like gitlab:app:check gitlab:gitlab_shell:check gitlab:repo:check Unfortunately this tasks are slow to run (and gitlab:repo:check is very slow to run). That's why we do not put them into etc/promise/ - if we do - slapos reports promises time outs. What we do is we put them into etc/promise.slow/ so we have those scripts ready, but currently no one automatically checks them. Again, the promise to check unicorn just by accessing it by URL is there and is checked automatically out of the box. NOTE2 GitLab is very slow to load. That's why it can take some time after unicorn starts that it's promise start to report ok. This can show itself as temporary instantiation errors which say promise such and such failed. NOTE3 Unicorn start, but so far we did not cared to setup GitLab DB schema on instantiation. That's why unicorn remains not very usable and a lot of requests fail. We'll teach instance to setup DB and perform all other needed settings in the next patch. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Like with [promise-wrapper] a recipe could do [promise-<service>] <= promise-byurl url = ... and a script to check such ur will be generated and automatically put into etc/promise/<service>. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Automatically configure unicorn to spawn as much worker processes as there are CPUs on the system by default. GitLab omnibus pre-hardcodes this value default to 2 (which we copied) and then also tweaks it this way in active code which we also do here. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Explicitly point gitlab-shell to location where we keep secrets. We already pointeg gitlab to that place and now we do that for gitlab-shell so those 2 peieces can connect to each other ok. Regarding the setting itself - there is no such block in omnibus-gitlab, but it is present in gitlab-shell configuration example: /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Convert gitlab-shell configuration file to slapos: - convert to jinja2, - connect gitlab-shell to unicorn & redis unix sockets NOTE - http_settings are left to be default (empty) ones - as that works ok. - `auth_file` is still configured to point to wont-be-used sshkeys file, as without it gitlab-shell check will fail. - support for audit_usernames and git_annex is disabled and remains not configurable. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Unicorn is a forking server with the idea that master process preloads heavy Ruby-on-Rails application, and then to handle new request a worker process is forked with application already loaded in its memory (and modification being tracked by OS via copy-on-write). From this point of view the only reasonable value for preload_app is always "true" and omnibus-gitlab does this: Then unicorn documentation shows what code has to be there in pre-/post- forking event: GitLab uses only part of it that "allows a new master process to incrementally phase out the old master process with SIGTTOU to avoid a thundering herd": but strangely does not use code parts that are "highly recommended" or "require" for "Rails + "preload_app true"" case. For the reference I've added such codes, but kept them being commented out. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Convert unicorn parameters to slapos and configure it to listen on unix socket only. ( Omnibus configures unicorn to listen on unix socket and loopback TCP, mainly because gitlab-shell could not connect to unicorn via unix socket until recently: But as it can now, there is no point to keep on TCP port open ) To be able to do such configuration we add stub to unicorn service section (to create needed directories where to keep the socket). There will be follow-up patch which configures unicorn pre/post-forking actions, which is not trivial and thus better be done on its own. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Convert the rest of this configuration file to slapos. It is straightforward conversion of parameters except: - access-via-ssh is disabled (gitlab slapos version does not support ssh access and supports HTTP(S) only by design on purpose) - we do not support restricting possible projects visibility via instance parameter (very low chance this will be needed in practice) - default issue-closing pattern is just ok for now and not configurable - support for builds, build artifacts & CI is disabled (we do not support CI (yet ?)) - some internal defaults are just ok (e.g. where to organize directory for keeping repositories archives for downloads) - reply-by-email is not supported (yet ?) - we do not support LFS (yet ?) - just plain git hosting is ok for now. - Gravatar defaults are ok for now and not configurable. - Support for LDAP is disabled - Support for Kerberos is disabled - Support for OmniAuth is disabled - Satellites path is just /dev/null as we start from version where satellites are already non-existent. - Uploading backups to somewhere via GitLab's builtin mechanism is not supported - we'll use SlapOS native backup and resiliency for this. - Support for Google analytics is disabled. - Support for Piwik is disabled. - we are ok (for now) with default rack-attack git settings /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
This user will need to be specified several times in configuration files, as by default gitlab uses 'git' user and does "sudo" to it if it is not current. We will use {{ backend_info.user }} in the upcoming patches. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
GitLab has a notion of "external URL" - the canonical "frontend" URL the server is reachable through: this URL is used as prefix to show e.g. git-clone URL for repositories, etc, even if a server can be reachable via several frontends. Add external_url handling to slapos instance. NOTE whether to use https or not is also defined by external_url, in particular by external_url scheme. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Convert to slapos SMTP settings for gitlab: - convert to jinja2 - remove support for gitlab CI (we do not support it (yet ?)) - add handling of `smtp_enable` parameter directly to that file ( omnibus handles this parameter externally and just removes smtp_settings.rb if it is true ) NOTE smtp_settings.rb contains SMTP password, so it is mode is set to 0600. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Just another 2 simple parameters (attack detection tunables) conversion to jinja2/slapos. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Just convert 2 parameters used in that file to jinja syntax and add those parameters (unicorn OOM killer tunables) to gitlab-parameters.cfg /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
A simple change just to point resque to redis unix socket. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
We tweak database.yml to point to our postgresql unix socket; set adapter to hardcoded postgresql, encoding to unicode and omit collation (which according to omnibus-gitlab is used for mysql only). The only instance parameter imported from omnibus is `db_pool` - how many connection to a DB to keep open in a RoR thread/process. XXX we use db's superuser as a user to connect. Is it ok to do even if the whole DB is used only for gitlab? (I think it is ok for the first iteration, but we'll probably need to refine this later) /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Introduce a library of Jinja2 macros that will be handy to use in templates. For now we add only 2 macros: cfg(name) - to get instance configuration parameter `name`, and cfg_bool - to get truth value of ----//---- The reason we introduce cfg() is that we will need to use a lot of parameters in many places and it is much more handy to write, e.g. cfg('email_enabled') compared to instance_parameter:configuration.email_enabled /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
We will be using a several dozens of parameters to control gitlab instance. It makes sense not to deviate in such parameters namings and defaults from omnibus version. Thus for such parameters - for clarity - we organize a separate file where we will be keeping them - gitlab-parameters.cfg. In this patch series all used parameters will be "imported" from omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093. NOTE it is maybe better to try to autogenerate that file from upstream omnibus parameters definitions. If time will tell it becomes hard to maintain our copy - we'll consider going that way. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
- Download them on SR build and pass info to instance - Instance prepares to process them as jinja2 templates - Instance hooks the files into configuration location as appropriate Every file so far is renamed *.erb -> *.in and a header added showing that this file is autogenerated with links about what was the base gitlab and/or omnibus version and omnibus reference revision this template was last updated for. So far all result configuration files are invalid - because ERB syntax is there. We will convert the configuration files to proper jinja2 syntax and to using slapos parameters incrementally in the upcoming patches. NOTE (again): md5 sums are not yet fixed - we will fix them in the end of gitlab patches series after applying all tweaking changes. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Pristine import of template configuration files from omnibus GitLab package. All files were imported as-is in their ERB form and filenames from omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093 from here: We will convert the templates to jinja2 and adjust them to slapos version in the following patches. Scheme for synchronizing with future upstream changes is envisioned as this: - checkout latest commit which updated pristine erb files - copy updated files from omnibus-gitlab, and commit the updates - checkout slapos master - merge commit that updated erb That should reasonably work with not too-many conflicts and even those should be not hard to resolve (with `git mergetool` e.g. in kdiff3) /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
Kirill Smelkov authored
Organize per-instance place for gitlab configuration and work directory. Unfortunately as GitLab is Ruby-on-Rails application, it is not possible to keep its code in one place and have multiple separate configuration sets in different places and start that code for a configuration set - GitLab and Rails insist to get configuration from relative to source code tree. GitLab omnibus "solves" this by having only one configuration set and having symlinks from code to that only configiration set. In slapos we can potentially have several instances for one software and thus we cannot do that. With such limitations a proper solution would be to bind-mount software code into instance filesystem namespace close to configuration - that way the code will be only one and will find proper per-instance config. Currently we do not have namespaces available on slapos unfortunately, thus something else is needed. The workaround I decided to do is this: to clone cloned gitlab repository from software/ space to instance/ space and adjust it in instance space. This has the following drawbacks: - code is duplicated - code becomes read-write, instead of being read-only but imho it is the most practical thing to do. Another solution could be to patch GitLab / Rails to remove "config lives in code" assumption, but the number of places where this needs to be done is really many. NOTE gems which gitlab uses and which were installed during software compilation are not duplicated - they are reused via bundler - via pointing BUNDLE_GEMFILE to original location in software. NOTE2 For instance tasks and also for maintanace convenience we establish <instance>/bin/gitlab-* programs, e.g. gitlab-rake, which e.g. for gitlab-rake will run rake with correctly loaded gitlab environment - like in gitlab-omnibus. /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome, @jp