Commit 6c47a5ed authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

examples/: Add programs illustrating fork overloads

parent a2ff3992
#include <typon/typon.hpp>
#include <typon/logger.hpp>
using namespace typon;
int fibo(int n) {
if (n < 2)
return n;
return fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2);
Task<int> hello(int n) {
int r = fibo(30);
LOG("hello(%d)", n);
co_return r;
Join<void> parallel() {
LOG("Forked f = co_await fork(hello(10))");
Forked f = co_await fork(hello(1));
LOG("co_await fork(hello(10), {})");
co_await fork(hello(2), {});
// Careful! r must not be unwound before the fork finishes.
LOG("int r; co_await fork(hello(10), r)");
int r; co_await fork(hello(3), r);
// Sync to ensure the fork finished before r is unwound.
// Assuming there are no exceptions...
co_await Sync();
Root root() {
co_await parallel();
int main() {
return 0;
#include <typon/typon.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace typon;
Join<int> fibo(int n) {
if (n < 2) {
co_return n;
// Danger !
// The memory for a and b could be freed before the forks complete
int a; co_await fork(fibo(n - 1), a);
int b; co_await fork(fibo(n - 2), b);
// This sync() ensures that the forks complete before a and b are freed
// As long as there are no exceptions...
co_await Sync();
co_return a + b;
Root root() {
int result = co_await fibo(40);
printf("%d\n", result);
int main() {
return 0;
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