Commit 4a114aaa authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Partially-templatize len

The exceptions thrown by len itself can now be either style,
though any exceptions thrown by any called functions (ex __len__)
will still get thrown as C++ exceptions and converted if needed.

Helps in a common case of "try calling len but don't worry if no
len was defined".
parent dfeff147
......@@ -732,12 +732,10 @@ exit:
extern "C" Py_ssize_t PyObject_Size(PyObject* o) noexcept {
try {
return len(o)->n;
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
BoxedInt* r = lenInternal<ExceptionStyle::CAPI>(o, NULL);
if (!r)
return -1;
return r->n;
extern "C" PyObject* PyObject_GetIter(PyObject* o) noexcept {
......@@ -2592,13 +2592,20 @@ extern "C" BoxedInt* hash(Box* obj) {
return new BoxedInt(r);
extern "C" BoxedInt* lenInternal(Box* obj, LenRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
template <enum ExceptionStyle S> BoxedInt* lenInternal(Box* obj, LenRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
static BoxedString* len_str = internStringImmortal("__len__");
if (S == CAPI) {
assert(!rewrite_args && "implement me");
rewrite_args = NULL;
// Corresponds to the first part of PyObject_Size:
PySequenceMethods* m = obj->cls->tp_as_sequence;
if (m != NULL && m->sq_length != NULL && m->sq_length != slot_sq_length) {
if (rewrite_args) {
assert(S == CXX);
RewriterVar* r_obj = rewrite_args->obj;
RewriterVar* r_cls = r_obj->getAttr(offsetof(Box, cls));
RewriterVar* r_m = r_cls->getAttr(offsetof(BoxedClass, tp_as_sequence));
......@@ -2619,29 +2626,50 @@ extern "C" BoxedInt* lenInternal(Box* obj, LenRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
int r = (*m->sq_length)(obj);
if (r == -1)
if (r == -1) {
if (S == CAPI)
return NULL;
return (BoxedInt*)boxInt(r);
Box* rtn;
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs crewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->obj, rewrite_args->destination);
rtn = callattrInternal0(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(0));
if (!crewrite_args.out_success)
rewrite_args = NULL;
else if (rtn)
rewrite_args->out_rtn = crewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
rtn = callattrInternal0(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
try {
if (rewrite_args) {
CallRewriteArgs crewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->obj, rewrite_args->destination);
rtn = callattrInternal0(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, &crewrite_args, ArgPassSpec(0));
if (!crewrite_args.out_success)
rewrite_args = NULL;
else if (rtn)
rewrite_args->out_rtn = crewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
rtn = callattrInternal0(obj, len_str, CLASS_ONLY, NULL, ArgPassSpec(0));
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
if (S == CAPI) {
return NULL;
} else {
throw e;
if (rtn == NULL) {
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "object of type '%s' has no len()", getTypeName(obj));
if (S == CAPI) {
PyErr_Format(TypeError, "object of type '%s' has no len()", getTypeName(obj));
return NULL;
} else
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "object of type '%s' has no len()", getTypeName(obj));
if (rtn->cls != int_cls) {
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "an integer is required");
if (S == CAPI) {
PyErr_Format(TypeError, "an integer is required");
return NULL;
} else
raiseExcHelper(TypeError, "an integer is required");
if (rewrite_args)
......@@ -2649,6 +2677,10 @@ extern "C" BoxedInt* lenInternal(Box* obj, LenRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
return static_cast<BoxedInt*>(rtn);
// force template instantiation:
template BoxedInt* lenInternal<CAPI>(Box*, LenRewriteArgs*);
template BoxedInt* lenInternal<CXX>(Box*, LenRewriteArgs*);
Box* lenCallInternal(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2,
Box* arg3, Box** args, const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names) {
if (argspec != ArgPassSpec(1))
......@@ -2656,7 +2688,7 @@ Box* lenCallInternal(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Arg
if (rewrite_args) {
LenRewriteArgs lrewrite_args(rewrite_args->rewriter, rewrite_args->arg1, rewrite_args->destination);
Box* rtn = lenInternal(arg1, &lrewrite_args);
Box* rtn = lenInternal<CXX>(arg1, &lrewrite_args);
if (!lrewrite_args.out_success) {
rewrite_args = 0;
} else {
......@@ -2665,7 +2697,7 @@ Box* lenCallInternal(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, Arg
return rtn;
return lenInternal(arg1, NULL);
return lenInternal<CXX>(arg1, NULL);
extern "C" BoxedInt* len(Box* obj) {
......@@ -2674,7 +2706,7 @@ extern "C" BoxedInt* len(Box* obj) {
static StatCounter slowpath_len("slowpath_len");
return lenInternal(obj, NULL);
return lenInternal<CXX>(obj, NULL);
extern "C" i64 unboxedLen(Box* obj) {
......@@ -2691,14 +2723,14 @@ extern "C" i64 unboxedLen(Box* obj) {
if (rewriter.get()) {
// rewriter->trap();
LenRewriteArgs rewrite_args(rewriter.get(), rewriter->getArg(0), rewriter->getReturnDestination());
lobj = lenInternal(obj, &rewrite_args);
lobj = lenInternal<CXX>(obj, &rewrite_args);
if (!rewrite_args.out_success) {
} else
r_boxed = rewrite_args.out_rtn;
} else {
lobj = lenInternal(obj, NULL);
lobj = lenInternal<CXX>(obj, NULL);
assert(lobj->cls == int_cls);
......@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ struct CallRewriteArgs;
Box* runtimeCallInternal(Box* obj, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2, Box* arg3,
Box** args, const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names);
struct LenRewriteArgs;
template <ExceptionStyle::ExceptionStyle S> BoxedInt* lenInternal(Box* obj, LenRewriteArgs* rewrite_args);
Box* lenCallInternal(BoxedFunctionBase* f, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpec argspec, Box* arg1, Box* arg2,
Box* arg3, Box** args, const std::vector<BoxedString*>* keyword_names);
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