Commit 5d5ce61b authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Ge curve translation fixes

parent cc8a5891
......@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ void XttTCurve::tcurve_help_cb( void *ctx)
XttTCurve *tcurve = (XttTCurve *) ctx;
if ( tcurve->help_cb)
(tcurve->help_cb)( tcurve->xnav, "opg_trendbuffer");
(tcurve->help_cb)( tcurve->xnav, "opg_trend_snapshot");
void XttTCurve::tcurve_scan( void *data)
......@@ -261,6 +261,16 @@ E 1.10.35 "Decrease period"
E 1.10.36 "Update curve"
E 1.10.37 "Add curve item"
E 1.10.38 "Remove selected curve"
E 1.10.39 "Add"
E 1.10.40 "Snapshot"
E 1.10.41 "_Add"
E 1.10.42 "_New"
E 1.10.43 "_Open"
E 1.10.44 "S_ave"
E 1.10.45 "_Export"
E 1.10.46 "_Snapshot"
E 1.10.47 "One Second"
E 1.10.48 "10 Seconds"
# Fileview
E 1.11.1 "Save"
......@@ -488,6 +498,11 @@ E 1.19.26 "Get position"
E 1.19.27 "Left"
E 1.19.28 "Right"
# Misc messages
E 1.20.1 "Input string too long"
E 1.20.2 "Object not found"
E 1.20.3 "Input syntax error"
# Postscript printing
E 2.1.1 "Contents"
E 2.1.2 "page"
......@@ -258,9 +258,19 @@ E 1.10.32 "Tidigare period"
E 1.10.33 "Nsta period"
E 1.10.34 "ka period"
E 1.10.35 "Minska period"
E 1.10.36 "Updatera kurva"
E 1.10.36 "Uppdatera kurva"
E 1.10.37 "Addera kurva"
E 1.10.38 "Ta bort utvald kurva"
E 1.10.39 "Addera"
E 1.10.40 "gonblicksbild"
E 1.10.41 "_Addera"
E 1.10.42 "_Ny"
E 1.10.43 "_ppna"
E 1.10.44 "S_para"
E 1.10.45 "_Exportera"
E 1.10.46 "_gonblicksbild"
E 1.10.47 "En sekund"
E 1.10.48 "10 sekunder"
# Fileview
E 1.11.1 "Spara"
......@@ -485,6 +495,11 @@ E 1.19.26 "Visa position"
E 1.19.27 "Vnster"
E 1.19.28 "Hger"
# Misc messages
E 1.20.1 "Inmatad strng fr lng"
E 1.20.2 "Objektet finns inte"
E 1.20.3 "Syntax fel i inmatning"
# Postscript printing
E 2.1.1 "Innehll"
E 2.1.2 "sidan"
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