Commit 834d229e authored by Austin Clements's avatar Austin Clements

testing: add B.ReportMetric for custom benchmark metrics

This adds a ReportMetric method to testing.B that lets the user report
custom benchmark metrics and override built-in metrics.

Fixes #26037.

Change-Id: I8236fbde3683fc27bbe45cbbedfd377b435edf64
Run-TryBot: Austin Clements <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarIan Lance Taylor <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarJosh Bleecher Snyder <>
parent 349e7df2
......@@ -8,13 +8,17 @@ import (
var matchBenchmarks = flag.String("test.bench", "", "run only benchmarks matching `regexp`")
......@@ -101,6 +105,8 @@ type B struct {
// The net total of this test after being run.
netAllocs uint64
netBytes uint64
// Extra metrics collected by ReportMetric.
extra map[string]float64
// StartTimer starts timing a test. This function is called automatically
......@@ -129,9 +135,19 @@ func (b *B) StopTimer() {
// ResetTimer zeros the elapsed benchmark time and memory allocation counters.
// ResetTimer zeros the elapsed benchmark time and memory allocation counters
// and deletes user-reported metrics.
// It does not affect whether the timer is running.
func (b *B) ResetTimer() {
if b.extra == nil {
// Allocate the extra map before reading memory stats.
// Pre-size it to make more allocation unlikely.
b.extra = make(map[string]float64, 16)
} else {
for k := range b.extra {
delete(b.extra, k)
if b.timerOn {
b.startAllocs = memStats.Mallocs
......@@ -328,7 +344,26 @@ func (b *B) launch() {
b.result = BenchmarkResult{b.N, b.duration, b.bytes, b.netAllocs, b.netBytes}
b.result = BenchmarkResult{b.N, b.duration, b.bytes, b.netAllocs, b.netBytes, b.extra}
// ReportMetric adds "n unit" to the reported benchmark results.
// If the metric is per-iteration, the caller should divide by b.N,
// and by convention units should end in "/op".
// ReportMetric overrides any previously reported value for the same unit.
// ReportMetric panics if unit is the empty string or if unit contains
// any whitespace.
// If unit is a unit normally reported by the benchmark framework itself
// (such as "allocs/op"), ReportMetric will override that metric.
// Setting "ns/op" to 0 will suppress that built-in metric.
func (b *B) ReportMetric(n float64, unit string) {
if unit == "" {
panic("metric unit must not be empty")
if strings.IndexFunc(unit, unicode.IsSpace) >= 0 {
panic("metric unit must not contain whitespace")
b.extra[unit] = n
// The results of a benchmark run.
......@@ -338,56 +373,117 @@ type BenchmarkResult struct {
Bytes int64 // Bytes processed in one iteration.
MemAllocs uint64 // The total number of memory allocations.
MemBytes uint64 // The total number of bytes allocated.
// Extra records additional metrics reported by ReportMetric.
Extra map[string]float64
// NsPerOp returns the "ns/op" metric.
func (r BenchmarkResult) NsPerOp() int64 {
if v, ok := r.Extra["ns/op"]; ok {
return int64(v)
if r.N <= 0 {
return 0
return r.T.Nanoseconds() / int64(r.N)
// mbPerSec returns the "MB/s" metric.
func (r BenchmarkResult) mbPerSec() float64 {
if v, ok := r.Extra["MB/s"]; ok {
return v
if r.Bytes <= 0 || r.T <= 0 || r.N <= 0 {
return 0
return (float64(r.Bytes) * float64(r.N) / 1e6) / r.T.Seconds()
// AllocsPerOp returns r.MemAllocs / r.N.
// AllocsPerOp returns the "allocs/op" metric,
// which is calculated as r.MemAllocs / r.N.
func (r BenchmarkResult) AllocsPerOp() int64 {
if v, ok := r.Extra["allocs/op"]; ok {
return int64(v)
if r.N <= 0 {
return 0
return int64(r.MemAllocs) / int64(r.N)
// AllocedBytesPerOp returns r.MemBytes / r.N.
// AllocedBytesPerOp returns the "B/op" metric,
// which is calculated as r.MemBytes / r.N.
func (r BenchmarkResult) AllocedBytesPerOp() int64 {
if v, ok := r.Extra["B/op"]; ok {
return int64(v)
if r.N <= 0 {
return 0
return int64(r.MemBytes) / int64(r.N)
// String returns a summary of the benchmark results.
// It follows the benchmark result line format from
//, not including the
// benchmark name.
// Extra metrics override built-in metrics of the same name.
// String does not include allocs/op or B/op, since those are reported
// by MemString.
func (r BenchmarkResult) String() string {
mbs := r.mbPerSec()
mb := ""
if mbs != 0 {
mb = fmt.Sprintf("\t%7.2f MB/s", mbs)
nsop := r.NsPerOp()
ns := fmt.Sprintf("%10d ns/op", nsop)
if r.N > 0 && nsop < 100 {
// The format specifiers here make sure that
// the ones digits line up for all three possible formats.
if nsop < 10 {
ns = fmt.Sprintf("%13.2f ns/op", float64(r.T.Nanoseconds())/float64(r.N))
} else {
ns = fmt.Sprintf("%12.1f ns/op", float64(r.T.Nanoseconds())/float64(r.N))
buf := new(strings.Builder)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%8d", r.N)
if ns := r.NsPerOp(); ns != 0 {
prettyPrint(buf, float64(ns), "ns/op")
if mbs := r.mbPerSec(); mbs != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\t%7.2f MB/s", mbs)
// Print extra metrics that aren't represented in the standard
// metrics.
var extraKeys []string
for k := range r.Extra {
switch k {
case "ns/op", "MB/s", "B/op", "allocs/op":
// Built-in metrics reported elsewhere.
extraKeys = append(extraKeys, k)
for _, k := range extraKeys {
prettyPrint(buf, r.Extra[k], k)
return buf.String()
func prettyPrint(w io.Writer, x float64, unit string) {
// Print all numbers with 10 places before the decimal point
// and small numbers with three sig figs.
var format string
switch y := math.Abs(x); {
case y == 0 || y >= 99.95:
format = "%10.0f %s"
case y >= 9.995:
format = "%12.1f %s"
case y >= 0.9995:
format = "%13.2f %s"
case y >= 0.09995:
format = "%14.3f %s"
case y >= 0.009995:
format = "%15.4f %s"
case y >= 0.0009995:
format = "%16.5f %s"
format = "%17.6f %s"
return fmt.Sprintf("%8d\t%s%s", r.N, ns, mb)
fmt.Fprintf(w, format, x, unit)
// MemString returns r.AllocedBytesPerOp and r.AllocsPerOp in the same format as 'go test'.
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ package testing_test
import (
......@@ -63,6 +65,32 @@ func TestRoundUp(t *testing.T) {
var prettyPrintTests = []struct {
v float64
expected string
{0, " 0 x"},
{1234.1, " 1234 x"},
{-1234.1, " -1234 x"},
{99.950001, " 100 x"},
{99.949999, " 99.9 x"},
{9.9950001, " 10.0 x"},
{9.9949999, " 9.99 x"},
{-9.9949999, " -9.99 x"},
{0.0099950001, " 0.0100 x"},
{0.0099949999, " 0.00999 x"},
func TestPrettyPrint(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range prettyPrintTests {
buf := new(strings.Builder)
testing.PrettyPrint(buf, tt.v, "x")
if tt.expected != buf.String() {
t.Errorf("prettyPrint(%v): expected %q, actual %q", tt.v, tt.expected, buf.String())
func TestRunParallel(t *testing.T) {
testing.Benchmark(func(b *testing.B) {
procs := uint32(0)
......@@ -111,3 +139,38 @@ func ExampleB_RunParallel() {
func TestReportMetric(t *testing.T) {
res := testing.Benchmark(func(b *testing.B) {
b.ReportMetric(12345, "ns/op")
b.ReportMetric(0.2, "frobs/op")
// Test built-in overriding.
if res.NsPerOp() != 12345 {
t.Errorf("NsPerOp: expected %v, actual %v", 12345, res.NsPerOp())
// Test stringing.
res.N = 1 // Make the output stable
want := " 1\t 12345 ns/op\t 0.200 frobs/op"
if want != res.String() {
t.Errorf("expected %q, actual %q", want, res.String())
func ExampleB_ReportMetric() {
// This reports a custom benchmark metric relevant to a
// specific algorithm (in this case, sorting).
testing.Benchmark(func(b *testing.B) {
var compares int64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
s := []int{5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool {
return s[i] < s[j]
// This metric is per-operation, so divide by b.N and
// report it as a "/op" unit.
b.ReportMetric(float64(compares)/float64(b.N), "compares/op")
......@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ package testing
var (
RoundDown10 = roundDown10
RoundUp = roundUp
PrettyPrint = prettyPrint
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