| `version` | Report syntax version used to generate this JSON. |
| `vulnerabilities` | Array of vulnerability objects. |
| `vulnerabilities[].id` | Unique identifier of the vulnerability. |
| `vulnerabilities[].category` | Where this vulnerability belongs (such as SAST, Dependency Scanning). For SAST, it will always be `sast`. |
| `vulnerabilities[].name` | Name of the vulnerability. Must not include the occurrence's specific information. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].message` | A short text that describes the vulnerability, it may include the occurrence's specific information. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].description` | A long text that describes the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].cve` | (**DEPRECATED - use `vulnerabilities[].id` instead**) A fingerprint string value that represents a concrete occurrence of the vulnerability. It's used to determine whether two vulnerability occurrences are same or different. May not be 100% accurate. **This is NOT a [CVE](https://cve.mitre.org/)**. |
| `vulnerabilities[].severity` | How much the vulnerability impacts the software. Possible values: `Info`, `Unknown`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical`. |
| `vulnerabilities[].confidence` | How reliable the vulnerability's assessment is. Possible values: `Ignore`, `Unknown`, `Experimental`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Confirmed`. |
| `vulnerabilities[].solution` | Explanation of how to fix the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].scanner` | A node that describes the analyzer used to find this vulnerability. |
| `vulnerabilities[].scanner.id` | ID of the scanner as a snake_case string. |
| `vulnerabilities[].scanner.name` | Name of the scanner, for display purposes. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location` | A node that tells where the vulnerability is located. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.file` | Path to the file where the vulnerability is located. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.start_line` | The first line of the code affected by the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.end_line` | The last line of the code affected by the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.class` | If specified, provides the name of the class where the vulnerability is located. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.method` | If specified, provides the name of the method where the vulnerability is located. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers` | An ordered array of references that identify a vulnerability on internal or external databases. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].type` | Type of the identifier. Possible values: common identifier types (among `cve`, `cwe`, `osvdb`, and `usn`) or analyzer-dependent ones (like `bandit_test_id` for [Bandit analyzer](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Projects/Bandit)). |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].name` | Name of the identifier for display purposes. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].value` | Value of the identifier for matching purposes. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].url` | URL to identifier's documentation. Optional. |
## Secret detection
GitLab is also able to detect secrets and credentials that have been unintentionally pushed to the