| `version` | Report syntax version used to generate this JSON. |
| `vulnerabilities` | Array of vulnerability objects. |
| `vulnerabilities[].id` | Unique identifier of the vulnerability. |
| `vulnerabilities[].category` | Where this vulnerability belongs (such as SAST, Dependency Scanning). For SAST, it will always be `sast`. |
| `vulnerabilities[].name` | Name of the vulnerability. Must not include the occurrence's specific information. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].message` | A short text that describes the vulnerability, it may include the occurrence's specific information. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].description` | A long text that describes the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].cve` | (**DEPRECATED - use `vulnerabilities[].id` instead**) A fingerprint string value that represents a concrete occurrence of the vulnerability. It's used to determine whether two vulnerability occurrences are same or different. May not be 100% accurate. **This is NOT a [CVE](https://cve.mitre.org/)**. |
| `vulnerabilities[].severity` | How much the vulnerability impacts the software. Possible values: `Info`, `Unknown`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical`. |
| `vulnerabilities[].confidence` | How reliable the vulnerability's assessment is. Possible values: `Ignore`, `Unknown`, `Experimental`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Confirmed`. |
| `vulnerabilities[].solution` | Explanation of how to fix the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].scanner` | A node that describes the analyzer used to find this vulnerability. |
| `vulnerabilities[].scanner.id` | ID of the scanner as a snake_case string. |
| `vulnerabilities[].scanner.name` | Name of the scanner, for display purposes. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location` | A node that tells where the vulnerability is located. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.file` | Path to the file where the vulnerability is located. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.start_line` | The first line of the code affected by the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.end_line` | The last line of the code affected by the vulnerability. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.class` | If specified, provides the name of the class where the vulnerability is located. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].location.method` | If specified, provides the name of the method where the vulnerability is located. Optional. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers` | An ordered array of references that identify a vulnerability on internal or external databases. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].type` | Type of the identifier. Possible values: common identifier types (among `cve`, `cwe`, `osvdb`, and `usn`) or analyzer-dependent ones (like `bandit_test_id` for [Bandit analyzer](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Projects/Bandit)). |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].name` | Name of the identifier for display purposes. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].value` | Value of the identifier for matching purposes. |
| `vulnerabilities[].identifiers[].url` | URL to identifier's documentation. Optional. |
## Secret detection
## Secret detection
GitLab is also able to detect secrets and credentials that have been unintentionally pushed to the
GitLab is also able to detect secrets and credentials that have been unintentionally pushed to the