=s_("PushRules|Do not allow users to remove Git tags with %{code_block_start}git push%{code_block_end}").html_safe%{code_block_start: '<code>'.html_safe,code_block_end: '</code>'.html_safe}
%code git push
Users can still delete tags through the GitLab UI.
=s_('PushRules|Users can still delete tags through the GitLab UI.')
=s_("PushRules|Reject any files likely to contain secrets. %{secret_files_link_start}What secret files are rejected?%{secret_files_link_end}").html_safe%{secret_files_link_start: secret_files_link_start,secret_files_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
=f.label:commit_message_regex,"Require expression in commit messages",class: "label-bold"
=f.label:commit_message_regex,"Require expression in commit messages",class: "label-bold"
All commit messages must match this #{link_to"regular expression",'https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax'}.
=s_("PushRules|All commit messages must match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, commit messages are not required to match any expression.").html_safe%{wiki_syntax_link_start: wiki_syntax_link_start,wiki_syntax_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
If empty, commit messages are not required to match any expression.
=f.label:commit_message_negative_regex,"Reject expression in commit messages",class: 'label-bold'
=f.label:commit_message_negative_regex,"Reject expression in commit messages",class: 'label-bold'
Commit messages cannot match this #{link_to"regular expression",'https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax'}.
=s_("PushRules|Commit messages cannot match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, commit messages are not rejected based on any expression.").html_safe%{wiki_syntax_link_start: wiki_syntax_link_start,wiki_syntax_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
If empty, commit messages are not rejected based on any expression.
All branch names must match this #{link_to"regular expression",'https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax'}.
=s_("PushRules|All branch names must match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, any branch name is allowed.").html_safe%{wiki_syntax_link_start: wiki_syntax_link_start,wiki_syntax_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
All commit author's email must match this #{link_to"regular expression",'https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax'}.
=s_("PushRules|All commit author's email must match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, any email is allowed.").html_safe%{wiki_syntax_link_start: wiki_syntax_link_start,wiki_syntax_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
All committed filenames cannot match this #{link_to"regular expression",'https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax'}.
=s_('PushRules|All committed filenames cannot match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, any filename is allowed.').html_safe%{wiki_syntax_link_start: wiki_syntax_link_start,wiki_syntax_link_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
Reject file sizes equal to or greater than this size.
=s_('PushRules|Reject file sizes equal to or greater than this size. If set to 0, files of any size are allowed. This rule does not apply to files tracked by Git LFS.')
If set to 0, files of any size are allowed.
This rule does not apply to files tracked by Git LFS.
msgid "PushRules|All branch names must match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, any branch name is allowed."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|All commit author's email must match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, any email is allowed."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|All commit messages must match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, commit messages are not required to match any expression."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|All committed filenames cannot match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, any filename is allowed."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Commit messages cannot match this %{wiki_syntax_link_start}regular expression%{wiki_syntax_link_end}. If empty, commit messages are not rejected based on any expression."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Do not allow users to remove Git tags with %{code_block_start}git push%{code_block_end}"
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Reject any files likely to contain secrets. %{secret_files_link_start}What secret files are rejected?%{secret_files_link_end}"
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Reject file sizes equal to or greater than this size. If set to 0, files of any size are allowed. This rule does not apply to files tracked by Git LFS."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Restrict commits to existing GitLab users."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Restrict push operations for this project."
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Save Push Rules"
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Select push rules"
msgstr ""
msgid "PushRules|Users can still delete tags through the GitLab UI."