Commit 4e14882e authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

component/nodejs: enforce min gcc version

parent 1dc2b5dd
Pipeline #23899 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ parts =
#<= nodejs-X.Y.Z
# nodejs 16 needs gcc > 8.3
min_version = 8.3
<= nodejs-base
openssl_location = ${openssl:location}
  • When introduced in 27cf29fc , there was this note in the commit message:

    Also add a note for minimal supported version, that will have to be set in software

    As far as I know, we do not have a convention about where to set these kind of constraints (for gcc or for the [versions] used for zc.recipe.egg), at the time I was thinking that a software is a collection of multiple components, that each component can have version constraints and only in the software we can know what's the minimal version for gcc. I still believe that this is that this is true that only in software we can know the final version, but this seems no problem to also set a version in component's buildout: It will be applied by default, we can override it in software and it's better than a comment in a file that will not be noticed.

  • actually, maybe we have a convention and I missed it :) in and some other places we are setting some version constraints.

  • I had a ticket in slapos master because nodejs didn't compile on Debian 9 machine.

    This is actually fixing the problem but indeed we may have a problem if several components with different min_version are used. We will see when the case arrise.

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