Commit 08487a16 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

slapos_cloud: Fixup z_related_causality_subscription_request

   Subscription request workflow uses simulation_state rather them validation one.
parent 9c6126fb
Pipeline #13449 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
<dtml-var table_0>.base_category_uid = <dtml-var "portal_categories.causality.getUid()">
AND <dtml-var table_1>.uid = <dtml-var table_0>.uid
AND <dtml-var table_1>.portal_type = 'Subscription Request'
AND <dtml-var table_1>.validation_state not in ('deleted', 'cancelled')
AND <dtml-var table_1>.simulation_state != 'deleted'
<dtml-var table_0>.category_uid = <dtml-var query_table>.uid
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